
Showing posts from 2013

Tell Me Hillary WON'T Be obamacRATic Nominee

We'll Never Know ANY Clinton Truths     Hillary " Rob'em " Clinton 's compendium of lies goes back farther than most realize.  Others may not know that " Rob'em " worked as a low-level staffer on the Watergate Scandal hearings: Jerry Zeifman , a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall , who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy ’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick [Murder] affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman ’s 17-year career.  Why? “ Because she was a liar ,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the commi...

DumBass State Legislators

Do They Even Know How To Read?!?     Thirteen states are currently on track to raise their states' minimum wages on the New Year.  One additional state waits until July.  Those states : New York; January 1; $8.00/hr Ohio; January 1; $7.95/hr [only affects businesses with gross annual receipts of $292,000/yr] Florida; January 1; $7.93/hr Missouri; January 1; $7.50/hr Vermont; January 1; $8.73/hr Rhode Island; January 1; $8.00/hr Connecticut; January 1; $8.70/hr New Jersey; January 1; $8.25/hr Colorado; January 1; $8.00/hr Montana; January 1; $7.90/hr Arizona; January 1; $7.90 California; July 1 ; $9.00/hr Washington; January 1; $9.32/hr Oregon; January 1; $9.10/hr     Had those legislators been able to read; been able to stay awake in Econ-101, they may have learned that when a company~~forced or voluntarily~~adds to their labor expense, they will reduce another area of said businesses to compensate.  More than likely thos...

When "Racism" Just Isn't Enough!

Is "White Privilege" The New "Racism?"     Jesse Jackson ~~ and fellow racist Al Sharpton ~~have found a new buzzword!  For decades these two "urban blacknecks" have used 'racism' as a primary method to incite unrest between any~~ and all ~~races in America.  With his usual blusterful blather wearing thin, Jackson has taken to using the phrase, " white privilege " as his 'weapon-of-choice!' Better than his 'MasterCard!'     As his next opportunity for several seconds of fame, Jackson has voiced his disapproval of prominent individuals voicing their religious convictions.  The 'chosen'~~ Phil Robertson of Duck Commander ~~committed his misdeed during his interview with GQ Magazine.  Not his " GLAAD ness" misdeed, but the misdeed of equalizing himself with the negros he worked with during his teenage years: “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we liv...

An obamaCare Solution

Leave It To The Entrepreneurial Spirit!     As is the norm, the entrepreneurs of the country have found a viable, LEGAL solution to the stifling~~ financial AND -care ~~affects of having obamaKare crammed down our collective throats.  As purported, the solution is said to be legal under the precepts of said nationalized health care system .     As my limited research revealed, this solution takes the individuals' health care, health insurance away from the obama Kare Death Panels ; away from obama Kare's exorbitant financial strains.  Subscribers to any of the aforementioned plans are also assured a level of security of their~~ personal and financial ~~information, expressly not promised by said socio-fascist national heath care scam.  That's all I got. Til Nex'Time.... Justin Case h...

$10.10 For This?!?

My Experience With The Minimum Wage     Just to illustrate how disconnected " Clown Prince " obama is with the real working world, here's but one of my experiences with the minimum wage:     At 9:24AM, December 20 last, I completed my register transaction at the local Walmart (1490 Hudson Ave., Rochester, N.Y., 14621).  As is my norm, I didn't review the cash register tape until I got home.      The primary reason for visiting the store " where the Third-World shops " was to buy Walmart 's version of flavored sparkling water beverage in various flavors.  I bought four-each of three different flavors.  Rather than put all twelve bottles on the belt, I put one of each and told the young lady cashier that I had three more of each flavor.     Of those three flavors~~ twelve bottles, total ~~I was charged for FOUR 'blackberry;'  THREE of 'wild cherry;' THREE of...

Who Did Phil Robertson Actually Harm?!?

Did You Actually Read The GQ Article?     Before all the whining continues about what you heard that Phil Robertson said, please read the 'GQ' article .  For me the article was pretty much straight (apologies to the ' happiness ' community) forward.  A mid-60s guy who actually says what he thinks without dancing around any topic on the table.  A guy who took 24 years, lot'sa booze, lot'sa drugs with lot'sa wild women to finally hit bottom and discover that finding religion was the only way out of the hole he'd dug for himself.     So.... why did Phil 's opinions and comments cause such a kerfuffle?!?  I really think the ' happiness-alphabet (LGBT) ' community really jumped the gun on this one.  Christianity has been around for 2,000 years~~ about 80% of the current US population ~~ while OPEN homosexuality~~ the 'happiness' gang ~~only for the past 100 years or so with about 2% of the population.  How can said community...

Confirmation: Another Freedom Lost

Phil Robertson Gets "The Axe!"     When I got on the interweb to check email at 3:30AM, I was 'hit in the face' with this subject line from one of my twitter 'friends:' A&E Suspends “Duck Dynasty”, Phil Robertson; Takes Away His Freedom of Speech To say the least, I was speechless, and I gotta tell ya, that's hard to do!  After I read " Army Vet Chic 's" blog entry I went on to do my own research.     Phil Robertson ~~ as the Duck Dynasty patriarch ~~ admitted to finally hitting rock-bottom and then accepting Jesus as his Savior: "I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just bec...

President George W. Bush Versus 'Dear Leader'

A Quiet, Dignified Man vs "THE Liar"     Remember when " Slick-Willie " left the White House ~~ thankfully, HOPEFULLY, for good ~~in January, 2001?  Not only did the family steal what antique, historically significant, furniture they could, the staff removed the 'dubyas' [Ws] from the vast majority of White House computers.  More to the point, it didn't take his ' Royal Slickness ' more than a few months to start whining and bitching about how incompetent President Bush was; how much " a cowboy " President Bush was turning out to be!      Early on in the two terms of the Bush-43 presidency President Bush made it clear to his 'team' that neither he nor members of his administration would reduce the dignity of the office by responding to the over-the-top amounts of media criticism his decisions/actions precipitated.  With the " Slick-Willie " exception, the then-current and former presidents honored the ...

You Go, Guy!

Police Chief 'Schools' Con-yay [I know!]  West     After that rappin' idiot  Kanye [is it: Con-yay or is it Kay-nee] West went on the radio and compared his job/career to that of a soldier or policeman/woman, to wit: “I’m just giving of my body on the stage and putting my life at risk, literally.….and I think about it. I think about my family and I’m like, wow, this is like being a police officer or something, in war or something.” Brimfield (Ohio) Police Chief David Oliver took the  neanderthalic-moron 'to school' through the department's Facebook page , to wit: Dear Kanye West,     I am honored to be writing such an important star. I am a mere Internet sensation. I’m not sure I am worthy to address you, although the Huffington Post did say I was “Humorous and Insanely Popular.” I don't pay much attention to those things. Anyway, please excuse my interference in your life for a quick second.     I read y...

Really Paul, Patty? REALLY?!?

It's Only The Latest Budget Shafting....     Check out this photo (below).  Rep Paul Ryan (r-Wi) is performing his latest obama Kare-esque cram down of yet another distasteful budget proposal that is neither fiscally conservative nor does it conform to his purported economic positions.  Senator Patty " Spend-Then-Tax " Murray (d-Wa)  might be thinking " Nobody's gonna go for this shit! "     The proposal does nothing to fix ANYTHING, but rather screws the taxpayer out of~~ among other things ~~the modest reductions in automatic budget increases as provided by sequestration .  The provisions of sequestration thus: If the joint committee is unable to achieve $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction, then two things will happen.  First, the amount of additional borrowing will be limited to $1.2 trillion rather than $1.5 trillion.  Also, a sequestration process is triggered to cut spending cuts of $1.2 trillion...

obamacRATics REALLY To Run On This?!?

A Few Items To Consider     The past two presidential campaigns have subjected the American voter to untold numbers of half-truths, obfuscations and outright lies.  While neither party is exempt, the democRATics have a lock on the practice, having raised it from an art to a science.  As the obama Mentor~~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ~~stated way back in 1919: " A lie told often enough becomes the truth ." This seems to be the mantra of both " Clown Prince " obama  "Hope and Change" campaigns.  So far there's been very little 'hope' and mountains of 'change!'     The next campaign can not rest on the various blathering pollsters, or poll results.  Remember in 2012, the pollsters had " Clown Prince " obama ahead in 4 polls, Governor Romney ahead in 1 with ties in another 5 polls.  All the polls were skewed by the (then) unknown fact that the IRS was targeting  'conservative' 501 (c)(4 ) applications for tax-free...

'Arrogance' Post Update

The Update:     Recall I blogged yesterday about how the gutless District Attorney Sandra Doorley refused to honor the arrests of three negro miscreants in the City of Rochester, N.Y.?!?  Thanks to Bob Lonsberry of WHAM Radio, we have access to the full, complete, well detailed police report . Ms Doorley might have waited for the facts before rendering her decision based on the bitching and whining of the local negro thugocracy. Let's see what the future brings. That's all I got. Til Nex'Time.... Justin Case

Is All This Arrogance Really Necessary?

Like Politics, All Arrogance Is Local     After reading Dr Walter E. Williams ' column titled " Blacks and obama ," it brought to mind a recent incident in downtown Rochester, N.Y., although the two aren't really related.  Seems three negro miscreants out of the entire high school basketball team decided to make asses of themselves while waiting for a city bus.   The city police arrived, acting on a citizen's complaint~~ that the thugs were not only blocking the entrance to a store ~~that they were preventing passersby from advancing through the kerfuffle.       What " News 8 Now " is conveniently leaving out of this story~~ as they normally do ~~is the real meat of the situation.  That the arriving patrolman requested a seargant to assess the situation, that the seargeant requested a lieutenant to assess the situation.  The patrolman~~ and maybe the other two ~~was subjected to at least one " fuck-you " ...

Thanksgiving Postmortem

Did You Follow "Dear Leader's" Wifely Instructions?     As is the case nearly every year, we spent Thanksgiving with " The Young Miss Lovely 's" brother and his partner (they're gay).  The brother is a fantastic cook so the feast was to die for.  It was not necessary for me to follow Michelle "Antoinette's " instructions on how to guide the conversation around the feastly table.  These guys- maybe BECAUSE they're gay -voted for Dictator obama not once, BUT TWICE !  These guys- while they're gay -are not stupid! These guys- while they're progressive socialists -didn't even try to steer the dinner table conversation toward Michelle "Antoinette's " talking points.    I kinda covered all the points with my comment as we were clearing the table, getting ready for football: " How's that whole   obama Kare -thingie workin' out for ya ?!?" A deathly pall came over the whole dining room. Nu...

The Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation

Many Thanks to Dr Larry Arnn, President-Hillsdale College       Thanksgiving Proclamation President George Washington City of New York, October 3, 1789 Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor, and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."   Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that w...