Thanksgiving Postmortem
Did You Follow "Dear Leader's" Wifely Instructions? As is the case nearly every year, we spent Thanksgiving with " The Young Miss Lovely 's" brother and his partner (they're gay). The brother is a fantastic cook so the feast was to die for. It was not necessary for me to follow Michelle "Antoinette's " instructions on how to guide the conversation around the feastly table. These guys- maybe BECAUSE they're gay -voted for Dictator obama not once, BUT TWICE ! These guys- while they're gay -are not stupid! These guys- while they're progressive socialists -didn't even try to steer the dinner table conversation toward Michelle "Antoinette's " talking points. I kinda covered all the points with my comment as we were clearing the table, getting ready for football: " How's that whole obama Kare -thingie workin' out for ya ?!?" A deathly pall came over the whole dining room. Nu...