
Showing posts from March, 2014

"Clown Prince" Correction, March 29th

"Clown Prince" Obama's Weekly Blather As Read by That Ol' "Hairplug" Joe Biden barackINGHAM PALACE [from the front foyer, I'm not normally allowed in the building per se], District of Corruption, March 29, 2014 I’m filling in for President Obama, who is abroad. Let's start again :  Hi, I'm that " ol' Hairplug, " Joe Biden and I'm reading the " Clown Prince 's" teleprompter while he's a broad.... Git-It? Git-It?!  That explains " Dear Leader 's" sissified ' mom-jeans ' and that " girlie first-pitch " in Chicago!!!  Enough frivolity~ let's get on with the bullshit ~I got places to be:     I want to talk to you today about the minimum wage and the overwhelming need to raise the minimum wage. There’s no reason in the world why an American working 40 hours a week has to live in poverty. But right now a worker earning the federal minimum wage makes about $14,500 ...

"Clown Prince" Correction, March 22nd

"Clown Prince" obama's March 22nd Weekly Blather barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption March 22, 2014     This week, I visited a community college in Florida, where I spoke with students about what we need to do to make sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American.  More specifically, I spoke about making sure our economy rewards the hard work of women.  Today, women make up about half of our workforce, and more than half of our college graduates.  More women are now their families’ main breadwinner than ever before.  But in a lot of ways, our economy hasn’t caught up to this new reality yet.  On average, a woman still earns just 77 cents for every dollar a man does.  And too many women face outdated workplace policies that hold them back – which in turn holds back our families and our entire economy.  A woman deserves to earn equal pay for equal work, and paid leave that lets you take a da...

My Blather... March Twentieth.. Bob Beckel

It's The Law Of The Land....     On today's edition (Thursday, 03/20/'14) of " The Five " on The Fox News Channel, Bob Beckel ~ the show's resident socio-fascist commie-lib ~repeated one of his on-going, outrageous statements in support of " Clown Prince " obama 's failed obama K are.  His ludicrous statement, thus: "By the time you're able to change this thing [ obamaK are] even with the Senate, if ya get a republican president, this is now done, it's the law of the land, it's never gonna be changed..." Bob continues, " 2017 when a republican president is sworn in, they can move a bill, there'll be millions and millions and millions of people involved in this, obamaKare [ Andrea Tantaros interrupts] , all I'm sayin' it's a done-deal, ya lost, ya might as well get used to it and find another way to do it..."     O.K., Mr Beckel, let's look at other "laws-of-the-land" and h...

My Blather... March Fifteenth... Helping Hillary

As Hillary Casts About For Legacy Fodder...     Many obamacRATic types in the media have been questioning [FINALLY!] what might be  Hillary Clinton 's legacy.  Checking various media outlets, one finds that Mrs Clinton is having trouble developing ANY text of the aforementioned legacy.  Given that Ms Rob'em Clinton has routinely stated before Congress: "I don't remember, I have no recollection" and "I don't recall,"  fifty-six times under oath.  I thought~ with any volunteer help YOU might add ~I might help the 'Ready-for-Hillary' crowd in her resume' development.  Some several items I've found: 1.  Prior to 1968 you were a republicRAT.  After seeing the partisan graft and legislative financial gains available, you changed your affiliation to DemocRATic [currently: obamacRatic] Party. 2.  As a member of the 1974 [ President Nixon ] impeachment inquiry staff, YOU WERE FIRED for outright lies...

My Blather.... March Thirteenth... On Dr Ben Carson

A Man I Could Support:     One only needs read a few of Dr Ben Carson 's articles to understand the width and breadth of this man's understanding of the vast array of issues facing this country!  Looking into Dr Carson 's professional background shows the lengths he's willing to go, to successful conclusions for any problem he's addressing.     My first acquaintance with the good doctor was the press reports of his speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast.  [Text and video of said speech here ]. After reading the speech transcript, I realized that Dr Carson ~ much like Rush Limbaugh ~was speaking to issues in the way I've wanted to hear for several decades, this time NOT by a national media figure.     In that speech, Dr Carson spoke to his upbringing by a single mom, having the need for education drummed into his~ and his brother's ~heads; the need to do ones own thinking; the need to realize the ga...

"Clown Prince" Correction, March 1

"Clown Prince" obama's March 1st Weekly Blather barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption March 1, 2014     In my State of the Union Address, I said that the best measure of opportunity is access to a good job.  And after the worst recession of our lifetimes, our businesses have created eight and a half million new jobs in the last four years.     But we need to do more to make America a magnet for good jobs for the future.  And in this year of action, where Congress won’t do that, I will do whatever I can to expand opportunity for more Americans.  This week, I took two actions to attract new jobs to America – jobs in American manufacturing, and jobs rebuilding America’s infrastructure.     Here’s why this is important.  In the 2000s alone, we lost more than one-third of all American manufacturing jobs.  One in three.  And when the housing bubble burst, workers in the construction indust...