Eighty-Two (82) Plus, Years; November 18th
Socialism's Underground Tactics Come To Light With Jonathan Gruber 's "confessions," the public is all aghast at these socialist admissions... like active, overt socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Hitlerism, obamism just happened on " Clown Prince " obama 's watch. " Clown Prince " obama is being backed into a corner~ a corner he can AND WILL lie his way out of ~of his own creation. The Gruber videos undeniably link the " Clown Prince " to the formulation of the most destructive~ unconstitutional ~piece of legislation ever foisted upon man!! Said videos also~ figuratively ~put Valerie " Rasputin " Jarrett 's " tit-in-a-wringer !" One need only to check Wikipedia (that bastion of facts, honesty and truth) to see the aforementioned social travesties got their foothold in American society in the late 1800s. The 'modern era,'American socialism~ say from 1932, forward ~got it's gr...