
Showing posts from April, 2015

My Blather On... Riots/Economics In America, April 30th

The "Detroit-ing" of America     Believe it or not, there is a basis for using the terms " Detroit -ing" and " Detroit -ization."  You only need to look at the City of Detroit of years ago and compare it to the same city of recent times.  Not only the City of Detroit , but several cities across the country have had " Baltimore -esque," highly destructive riots. Here are some of the country's worst riots: Watts Riots, Los Angeles, August 11-15, 1965: Tensions between the police and the citizenry. The Newark (N.J.) Riots, July 12-17, 1967: Tensions between, and brutality of the black population by police officers. The King Assassination Riots, April, 1968: The Dr King assassination was the final straw in the nationwide civil rights movement.  Riots incurred in such cities as Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore.  The Chicago Riots, Democratic National Convention, August 28, 1968: General political unrest/disappointments.  Dissat...

My Blather On.... Following The Money; April 24th

I Think I "Get It" Now!     Those of you old enough to remember 'The Clintons' of the '80s and '90s will be able to see the change I've detected.  Remember when Hillary Clinton went after " Slick Willie 's" dalliance-victims ('bimbos') like a bitch-in-heat?!? Remember Hillary Clinton 's " stand-by-my-man " rant published in the Boston Globe?!? Remember Hillary Clinton 's " cudda-stayed-home-and-baked-cookies " rant in a '60-Minutes' interview?!?     Now that Hillary Clinton  has officially entered the 2016 presidential campaign, has anyone besides me noticed how " laid-back " she is with what little confrontation she's received?!?  Compared to the aforementioned, nary a peep!!   I may have figured out her scheme... The Clintons are all about the next scheme!!     Recently the Clinton Campaign Machine [not to be confused with the Clinton Family-Mafia Money Machine ] announce...

My Blather On.... Equality; April 23rd

It Seems Some 'More Equal' Than Others     The 14th Amendment assures that all citizens of the United States are treated similarly~ equally ~under the law.  This amendment was originally intended to protect ALL Americans from injustices by insuring they were given " full and equal benefit of all laws ."  I contend that "the law" was meant to include the onerous rules and regulations of the IRS.  That being said, have you ever not fulfilled the filing requirements of said IRS?  Neither have I, most probably out of fear of 'going to jail' for non-payment of possible taxes due.      The IRS~ in one form or another ~has been around seemingly forever.  The first "income" tax in America was levied to finance the Civil War and it's only gotten worse since then.  Ever notice that no matter how the tax is levied in the modern era, the government continues to get larger and larger and larger?!? Now check out this list of tho...

My Blather On.... Trust More Than Hillary Clinton, April 16th

..As Found on Things that I trust more than Hillary Clinton : * Mexican tap water * A rattlesnake with a pet me sign * OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection * A fart when I have diarrhea * An elevator ride with Ray Rice * Taking pills offered by Bill Cosby * Michael Jackson's Doctor * An Obama Nuclear deal with Iran * A Palestinian on a motorcycle * Gas station Sushi * A Jimmy Carter economic plan * Brian Williams news reports * Loch Ness monster sightings * Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton * An Obama endorsement That's all I got. Til Nex'Time.... Justin Case Reference "Lie-Barry:"

My Blather On.... Mrs "Rob'em" Clinton's Platform; April 16th published this on Wednesday: "Hillary Rodham Clinton began laying out her Democratic presidential campaign message in Iowa on Tuesday, casting herself as a "champion" for struggling Americans and calling for a purging of "unaccountable money" from the campaign finance system." I don't know about you.... but to me this statement seems about 180 degrees out-of-phase with Mrs "Rob'em" Clinton's actions; with her life thusfar! Ok, that ' champion for struggling Americans ,' thingie: Most " struggling Americans " I know don't claim to be "dead-broke" while having MILLIONS in the bank/investments, and Most " struggling Americans " I know don't steal HUNDREDS-OF-THOUSANDS of dollars worth of national heirloom furniture, and Most " struggling Americans " I know aren't forced to pay over $83,000 for gifts that were meant for~ and stolen from ~the White House....

My Blather On.... 'Hillary For America;" April 15th

"That'd Be 'A First'!"     In ALL her sixty-seven years, EVERYTHING has always been about Hillary !! If were truly about "every family, every small business, and every American," why~ as evidenced by a recent  UNLV Foundation  speech ~does she DEMAND so much for herself: $300,000 per speech[she graciously discounted the UNLV price to a cool $225,000!], a presidential suite PLUS five additional rooms, a Gulfstream G-450 [ 16 passenger ] " or larger ," on-stage a maximum of 90 minutes; be the only person on stage; no more than 50 photos with no more than 100 people; no press coverage of the speech; no video/audio recording of the speech; only record is completed by a stenographer who must surrender the transcript to Mrs Clinton. Whew!!  Now, that's a " woman for the masses !" Prior to her YouTube candidacy announcement, the ' Clinton Machine ' released the following mission statement: “Our purpose: To gi...

My Blather On.... Christie's BULLSHIT; April 14th

Christie Wants "Hillary-esque" Redistribution! ["Christie Pushes Means Test, Age Increase For Social Security"]     Add yet another CONFIRMED RINO to the list!! Governor Christie demonstrates he's " got more shit than a Christmas goose ! "  Go ahead suckers.... work your asses off; put you and your family in jeopardy in starting a business; work for forty or fifty years then sell your business on payments.  Those payments DAM' SURE better not be over $79,999.99 per year or you'll have that monthly Social Security check YOU PAID INTO, reduced .  Heaven forbid that you should be successful enough to have over $199,999.99 in annual, unearned [investment] income.... You can kiss your WHOLE SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK good-bye thanks to that "ample-ASS" from New Jersey!!     This worthless son-of-a-bitch ~ no, not the referenced workers, entrepreneurs ~I mean New Jersey's arschloch Governor, Christopher James Christie!!   ...

My Blather On.... Immigration/Amnesty; April 10th

MY Position Has Always Been....     I've " forever " thought that 'fence-jumpers, river-swimmers' are doomed right from the start!  The first thing they've done as RESIDENTS of the United States was ILLEGAL, in that they've crossed one of America's borders " without an invitation ."  The country's leadership went wrong the instant the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo [1848] became official:  They failed to start the fencing along the new southern border!  So.... that's where I stand.     Practically since then~ 1848 ~the fore-runners of the obama cRATics~ the democRATics ~have been promoting illegal immigrants to INVADE the United States!  To that end, they eventually found someone they chose to snooker...~ my presidential fave ~" Ronaldus-Magnus... " President Ronald Reagan .  In 1986, Mr Reagan signed  the Immigration Reform and Control Act into law.  As they were to do later with the budget , the democRAT...

My Blather On.... Length of Baseball Games; April 8th

..and Removing The "Bo-o-o-o-oring" Factor!     Years ago~ back in the late 70s; early '80s ~I used to attend Sunday KC Royals ' home games.  I'd take my 12-year-old charge, " Mysti " cuz [then] Royals Stadium  [now: Kaufman Stadium ] was less-than-an-hour ride on my ol' Suzuki 750cc ' Water Buffalo .'  At that time I never thought that MLB had a "boring" factor.  I enjoyed both the game itself, the hot dogs and sodas as well as watching all the kids having the times-of-their-lives... and besides that.... it only cost a "buck-ana-quarter" to get in!!     Today the game is entirely different.  It seems to take 'forever' to complete one!  But I have a cuppla suggestions to help the game along: 1.  Teach every player [and test 'em on this] how Velcro works!!  Once they learn, they won't have to adjust the dam' battin' gloves after each pitch! 2.  Teach every player [and test 'em on this one t...

My Blather On.... Presidential Requirements; April 7th

    Should Military Service Be Required?     The requirements necessary to assume the office of President of The United States are enumerated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, to wit: A natural born citizen of the United States, At least 35 years of age, Be a permanent resident of the United States for at least 14 years.   The 12th, the 14th and and the 22nd amendments have restrictions to holding the American presidency.     In the modern era~ say from 1900 forward ~there have been nineteen presidents, fourteen of which had some form of military service; five had none.  Thirteen of the aforementioned served in some capacity during WWII, President George W. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard/Air Force Reserve [1968-1972].  One might say that if not military service, then at least a deep, factual knowledge of the various branches of the military as well as the same level of knowl...

My Blather On.... Kindle Paperwhite; April 6th

Why Won't It Do....?     We are both avid readers.  To that end I bought my wife a Kindle Paperwhite for one of her recent birthdays.  With 'turnabout' being fair play, she bought me one for my last birthday.  She doesn't have the problems I have, primarily due to having a better memory than I have.     Today I have twenty-one books on my Kindle all of which, I've read.. I THINK!  All the books are in two genres, either "hobby/sustainable farming" or military-related novels like those WEB Griffin writes.I recently bought another book... which today, I can't find.  Did I actually buy it?  What was the title?  Dam'd if I know! I kinda think it was a "hobby farming" one.     When we bought the first Kindle , I asked the ' BestBuy ' guy how we deleted the books we'd read.  He said "Not necessary, with the size of the memory you'll never run out of space."  Well, " running out of space " ain't ...

My Blather On.... Vote democrat... April 4th

...and Your Life May NEVER GET BETTER!     After " Clown Prince " obama instituted his hand-picked, socio-fascist regime, we initially heard that all the conundrums, all the economic kerfuffles were that evil George W. Bush 's fault.  Well~ I gott'a tell'ya ~six-plus years in and the " Clown Prince " can no longer make that claim; Mr obama OWNS this failing/failed economy!  Any number of examples can be cited, from Solyndra to 'shovel-ready' jobs, destruction of the coal industry, to all the world-wide, socio-fascist, money-losing, deals he and his minions make/made.     At the next-lower level, the states under democratic control fare worse than the republican states: Only one democratic state~ Colorado ~finished in the top 14 states, economically.  Colorado has seventh place, republicans own the rest of the top fourteen!      In comparing US cities, everyone has seen the stories, ...