
Showing posts from May, 2015

My Blather On.... "The Five," May 4th

Now We Know Where Bob Went!     I've been watching " The Five " more often than not, since it's inception!  Bob Beckel has always been my 'go-to' guy to hate.  He temporarily~ HOPEFULLY ~left the show on February 19th and no one said where or why.... not even an "...on special assignment."  I assumed that he was off on vacation; off visiting his college-daughter; off doing his 'duty' with the various -anon organizations he's involved with.... Not So!     As is Fox News ' norm, they keep a socio-fascist, communist, Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist on " The Five's " panel, along with [conservatives, libertarians] Eric Bolling , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Gregg Gutfeld , RINO Perino and~ sometimes ~ Andrea Tantaros .  To take Bob's 'seat' on the panel, Fox normally goes with Juan Williams and more recently, Julie Roginsky , staunch socialists, both!!  For the longest, I had real trouble tolerating Mr Williams .  Th...

My Blather On.... Discipline Or Cruelty? May 1st

I Call It Discipline!     We've all seen the video of Toya Graham "thumpin'" her young son after catching him on TV, throwing bricks during the Baltimore riots. Here's Rush Limbaugh 's take on the subject: Now, here's my take on the subject, with a bit of background: I've been married several times~ with the exception of the first ~into 'ready-made' families.  Anyone who's done it knows there's a pretty steep learning curve with the involved kids. One of the families involved three kids: boy-16, boy-12, girl-9.  The 12 year-old was just one'a those kids that's constantly testing authority, either by nature or by choice.... Dunno which!! [Just to preserve anonymity, I'll call him "Gary" after his birth-father.] Example #1:   Summertime; Saturday; late morning, early-mid afternoon.  "Gary" had come into the kitche...