My Blather On "The Donald" vs The Field
Donald Trump Versus The Field Recent polls have Donald Trump at 22% approval with Jeb Bush second at a distant 10.7%. One of the guys I like~ Dr Ben Carson ~has risen to third with 9.7%. The remainder of the list as surveyed 8/09 through 8/16: Walker : 7.7%; Rubio : 7.3%; Cruz : 7.3%; Fiorina : 6.3%; Paul : 4.3%; Kasich : 4.3%; Huckabee : 4.3%; Christie : 3.3%; Perry : 1.3%; Santorum : 1.0%; Jindal : 0.3%; Graham : 0.1%. If these results were to stand, the next GOP debate (or rather press interview ) would NOT include Christie through Graham . What most~ if not all ~have failed to realize in their fervent support of Donald Trump . " The Donald " is highly unlikely to accept the republicRATic presidential nomination for one important reason... "...the use of a “blind trust” is one of several methods of conflict of interest avoidance under federal law and regulation. There are now uniform statuto...