This 'n' That, "KGB vs Community Agitator;" September 29th
Who Got His Diplomatic Ass Handed To Him? Our silly ruler, " ClownPrince " obama used his time speaking before the United Nations, to ' take the fight to ISIS ' with IDEAS, with JOBS and with GOVERNANCE. Way to go, you silly dipSHIT !! Ideas, jobs and governance will really impress ISIS who routinely record burnings of some victims in cages for their relatives to see, record beheadings of some victims for their relatives to see, desires to take humanity back TWELVE CENTURIES with their demands for Sharia law, gain financing through thefts of crude oil, smuggling, kidnapping ransoms, selling those artifacts they've not maliciously destroyed and by controlling crops, declared they'd created an Islamic State with 34,000 square miles in Syria and Iraq... and that's just the highlights lowlights! Our AssHat ruler really thinks they're gonna listen to IDEAS....? Yea, RIGHT!!! Oh, yea.... and the " Clow...