This'n'That; January 7th Political Theater
The USA Being Led By A Criminal! Did anyone see the "Clown Prince" obama's dictatorial " dog-and-pony-show " of a coupl'a days ago? That's the product of an ass as mouthed by the stuffed-shirt dictator . I'm kinda thinkin' Valerie Jarrett knows a lot more about " Clown Prince " obama 's grade- and high-school- his various college transcripts than she's let on thus far. I'm thinkin' this is the very reason obama has not allowed the release of his high school, college and law school transcripts... he doesn't have a clue about what's on that "piece of paper!" The " Clown Prince " continues to fan the flames of socio-fascism with his blusterful blather, this time on gun 'safety,' gun 'control,' essentially with efforts directed pointedly at the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment. The Second Amendment as ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jeffer...