
Showing posts from July, 2016

"Clown Prince" obama's Weekly Blather; July 23rd

Remarks of President Barack Obama and Senator Elizabeth Warren as Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address The White House July 23, 2016 "CLOWN PRINCE" : Hi, everybody. I’m here with Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of our strongest advocates for families and consumers like you. Today, we want to talk about some of the actions we’ve taken to protect everything you’ve worked so hard to build.   Eight years ago, after some big banks made irresponsible and risky bets with your money, we almost slipped into another Great Depression. While the recklessness started on Wall Street, it didn’t take long before it led to real pain for folks on Main Street. It would cost millions of our fellow Americans their jobs, homes, and savings. [ You peons know  senator warren  as  "Fauxcy" or "Fauxcahontas . "   ' Fauxcy ' gamed the system much as I did, early on in my education.  I~ as most well know ~falsely claimed to be a 'foreign student' { surely you ...

This'n'That; July 19th To Plagiarize; Not To Plagiarize...

Well... Did She Or Didn't She...?     The libbie media ' big-stink-of-the-day ,' today is that Melania Trump may have plagiarized her convention speech from~ of all people ~ Michelle ' Antoinette ' obama !    Before we get to that I've got'a say why plagiarize bullshit ?!?  Look at the drivel written by " Antoinette 's" speechwriters... I've underlined in the subject text from USA Today : "And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them. "And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and to pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achiev...

"Clown Prince" obama's Weekly Blather; July 16th

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House ​July 16, 2016 [Today, let's start with the "I" count.... like those 46 times I used the word 'I' during my Dallas Memorial blather... So wait until the afternoon to read this and take a drink each time there's an 'I' in the text!!  Great fun!!] Hi, everybody.  It’s been a challenging couple weeks.  The shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge; the protests; the targeting and murder of police officers in Dallas – it’s left all of us struggling to make sense of things at times.  Now, I know that for many, it can feel like the deepest fault lines of our democracy have suddenly been exposed, and even widened.   But the America I know – the America I saw this week – is just not as divided as some folks try to insist.  I saw it on Monday, when I met with law enforcement to talk about the challenges they face, and how too often, we ask our police to do too much – to be social workers, and t...

This'n'That; July14th; The Racist-In-Chief Will Blather On....

Will obama Continue His RACIST Bent?     " Clown Prince " obama is~ in many educated minds ~the most racist, the most racially divisive individual on the planet.... certainly in America.... most certainly in barack INGHAM PALACE !!  In barack INGHAM PALACE the " Clown Prince " has plenty of like-minded company, primarily in ' Michelle Antoinette ' obama and Valerie ' I-run-this-show ' Jarrett .  Prior to the " Clown Prince 's" TownHall on " Race Relations and Policing " Thursday evening, obama met Wednesday [July 13 , 2016] with BLM management to ensure no black toes were stepped on; all racist talking points would be addressed.     Valerie ~'I-run-this-show~ Jarrett ~ one of the regime's REGISTERED communists and prime racist ~has met a few times with the BLM leadership in barack INGHAM PALACE : " barack INGHAM PALACE senior advisor Valerie ~'I-run-this-show'~ Jarrett and other obama admini...

"Clown Prince" obama's Weekly Blather; July 9th [by Ol' Joe]

Remarks of Vice President Joe Biden as Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address The White House July 9, 2016  [I'm on my last annual ' World-Wide Apology Tour ' masquerading as a working trip.  I've asked that dunce-" HairPlug " Joe Biden , to step in and provide another Saturday's blather obfuscation. Enjoy... I am!!] Although I didn’t know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week – I knew them. They were the folks I grew up with: The boy with the most courage and the most compassion; the man with a brave heart and a generous soul, whose words were always encouraging; the son who made his mother proud every time he turned and smiled at her; and the friend who you could always count on. Being a cop wasn’t just what they did. It was who they were—like every officer who joined for essentially the same reason. There was something about them that made them think they could help, that they should serve, that...

This'n'That; July 9th, Who's Really At Fault?

Lots Of 'Players' Have Awaited The Upheaval     Thus far we've had the Dallas shootings with possible copycat shootings in Ballwin, Mo., in Bristol, Tn., and in Valdosta, Ga.  The Dallas attack was against the very officers assigned to protect a permitted 'blacklivesmatter' protest event. The Dallas shooter told negotiators that he wanted to shoot white people.  This quote from Dallas Police Chief, David Brown : “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people the suspect said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” These horrendous acts seem to be mostly perpetrated by individuals/groups closely aligned with or sympathic toward the blacklivesmatter movement, as well as the movement itself.     While these horrible shootings~ related or not ~indicate a continuing shift toward radical leftist violence, the mindset that really got it's start some 50+years ago with Lyndon Johnson...

This'n'That; July7th; Why Believe Him Now?

There's ABSOLUTELY NO Truth On Dem Side     Look at all the lies floating around, primarily from the democ RAT side of the 2016 presidential campaign.  " Clown Prince " obama has been lyin' through his teeth probably since his first words as a toddler.   Hillary Clinton has taken " great-liberties-with-the-truth " as well.  To be fair, we should probably go back aways to them both justice.  Except we can't.  We have the lies about the past, just not from the past.  So let's start with the " Clown Prince 's" lies, in no particular order.  We'll do it with A-the lie; B-the rough date; C-the circumstances: " My father left my family when I was two years old ."   Sept, 2009.  Baby obama had never spent a single night under the same roof with his father, let alone two years.  The " Clown Prince " was blathering at the nation's schoolkids. " The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program ...