This 'n' That; August 12th; Trump Economic Team
Trump's Economic Team And What It Means Donald Trump has assembled his economic team, members of which are some of the best minds in business today. The mainstream media is whining about this collection as being all millionaires and billionaires... SO WHAT?!? 1. Unless they've inherited their wealth, these men and women must have had some of the qualities and ideas to run a business and make it/them successful. 2. To most self-made millionaires and billionaires the dollars-and-cents are more a way to keep score than wealth to be flaunted. 3. To the aforementioned media whiners I have to ask this: "Of the paychecks you've earned, how many have been signed by a poor person?!? I venture to say: none... that's N-O-N-E !! So why in hell does the same media bitch about those with a proven record and promote those who've put us in~ kept us in ~this EIGHT-YEAR-LONG economic doldrum? The Trump Economic Team includes su...