
Showing posts from June, 2014

My Blather.... June 18th; All A Coincidence?!?

Are Members Of Regime Conspirators?     One only need to apply~ that missing ingredient in the District of Corruption ~logic in looking at the latest fiasco at the U.S. Southern Border.  Child illegal ' INVADERS ' are arriving at the United States' southern border at alarming rates from Honduras , El Salvador and Guatemala,  driving Border Patrol arrests exponentially higher.  In just 7-1/2 months (Oct 1-May 17), Texas arrests were 148,017 ; Arizona arrests were 62,876 , the vast majority children.     How big a coincidence would it take for all these child 'INVADERS' to arrive~ with no adult escorts ~at various~ both legal and illegal ~border crossing points?!?  Did the various Central American mothers just congregate at the local bodega and just decide~ enmass, without prompt ~to send their adolescents north~ again, without escort; without adult supervision ~to INVADE the United States?!?  Local Central American me...

My Blather.... June 18th; Where Next?

The "Clown Prince" obama Family Can't Live In barack INGHAM PALACE Forever (Thank GOD!)!     Will Michelle " Antoinette " obama  use the Bobby Kennedy / Hillary Clinton/Scott Brown  method of carpet bagging as her easy  way into Congress?!?  Well, it worked for two of the aforementioned carpet baggers, but not without concern, at least from Mr Kennedy as this quote indicates: "If I had been Keating [ Kennedy 's 1964 opponent], I would never have hit me on the issues. I would have used the carpetbagger thing and run on my record. Nothing more."   Of course Mrs Clinton had no such compunction about her carpet bagging; hell, she deserved that senate seat from New York!!  If for no other reason than all the shit she had to put up with from hubby~ that Philanderer-in-Chief ~" Slick-Willie !!"  [Here would have been a photo of the Clinton 's palatial estate in Chappaqua, N.Y., but Blogger won't add it.  The...

"Clown Prince" Blather Correction; June 13th

Hurry, My Golf Outing Awaits! "barackopter-1" Landing Zone, [nr:] barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption. June 13, 2014    I wanted to take some time to give you a quick update about the situation in Iraq.  Yesterday I convened a meeting with my National Security Council to discuss the situation there, and this morning I received an update from my team. Over the last several days, we've seen significant gains made by ISIL, a terrorist organization that operates in both Iraq and in Syria. In the face of a terrorist offensive, Iraqi security forces have proven unable to defend a number of cities, which has allowed the terrorists to overrun a part of Iraq's territory. And this poses a danger to Iraq and its people, and given the nature of these terrorists, it could pose a threat eventually to American interests as well.     We'll have to hurry this blather-opportunity up, I've got an open tee-time waiting for me!  The Marines' helicopter: ...

My Blather... June Tenth; Military Screwed on Pay

Are They NOT WORTHY ?     Today's military men and women, be they on the land, on the sea or in the air, are not paid close to what they're worth.  Having spend nearly thirteen years in the Air Force, I know from whence I speak.  I was one of those guys middle-management didn't mind leaving military service.  I was (probably by today's standards, a bit "ADHD") not prone to giving much thought to my decisions and actions, needing only less-than eight more years to retire.     When I enlisted (June, 1964) the base pay was $78.00/month (E-1, under 3 months).  When discharged (June, 1968) my base pay was $235.50/month (E-4, over 3 years). *Just to illustrate how screwed up the entire military pay system is, my oldest brother was drafted for the Korean War (in 1951) and earned only THREE DOLLARS LESS ($3) than I did thirteen years later!         In 1971 I returned to the Air Force as an E-3 over ...

"Clown Prince" Correction, June 7th

barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption, June 7, 2014 [Note:  This blather opportunity from 'The Palace' must be read with these basic premises in mind: 1.  I Lie, EVEN when the truth would be easier and cost me nothing, politically; 2.  Nothing is done in 'The Palace' without research into the political consequences; 3.  I am the cornerstone of the socio-fascist movement, hence everything I do~ or even recommend ~is done with the ' public loss of rights and liberties ' at the fore. 4.  'The government' will always pretend to act in the public interest, while its' first consideration will be the best interests of the rulers.]        This is commencement season, a time for graduates and their families to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of a young person’s life. But for many graduates, it also means feeling trapped by a whole lot of student loan debt.  And we’ve got to do more to lift tha...