My Blather.... June 18th; All A Coincidence?!?
Are Members Of Regime Conspirators? One only need to apply~ that missing ingredient in the District of Corruption ~logic in looking at the latest fiasco at the U.S. Southern Border. Child illegal ' INVADERS ' are arriving at the United States' southern border at alarming rates from Honduras , El Salvador and Guatemala, driving Border Patrol arrests exponentially higher. In just 7-1/2 months (Oct 1-May 17), Texas arrests were 148,017 ; Arizona arrests were 62,876 , the vast majority children. How big a coincidence would it take for all these child 'INVADERS' to arrive~ with no adult escorts ~at various~ both legal and illegal ~border crossing points?!? Did the various Central American mothers just congregate at the local bodega and just decide~ enmass, without prompt ~to send their adolescents north~ again, without escort; without adult supervision ~to INVADE the United States?!? Local Central American me...