"Clown Prince" Correction, June 7th
District of Corruption,
District of Corruption,
June 7, 2014
[Note: This blather opportunity from 'The Palace' must be read with these basic premises in mind:
1. I Lie, EVEN when the truth would be easier and cost me nothing, politically;
2. Nothing is done in 'The Palace' without research into the political consequences;
3. I am the cornerstone of the socio-fascist movement, hence everything I do~or even recommend~is done with the 'public loss of rights and liberties' at the fore.
4. 'The government' will always pretend to act in the public interest, while its' first consideration will be the best interests of the rulers.]
This is commencement season, a time for
graduates and their families to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of a
young person’s life. But for many graduates, it also means feeling trapped by a
whole lot of student loan debt. And we’ve got to do more to lift that
burden. See, in a 21st century economy, the surest pathway into the
middle class is some form of higher education. The unemployment rate for
workers with a bachelor’s degree is just 3.3 percent – about half what it is for
high school graduates. The typical graduate of a four-year college earns
$15,000 more per year than someone with just a high school degree. But at a time when college has never been more important, it’s
also never been more expensive.
The 2014 commencement season has not begun in a positive light for me. We all remember my less-than-tepid reception at that 'Harvard-on-the-Hudson,' West Point. As a side note, I have~in my sweaty, yet dainty, hands~the complete graduation roster. Let me assure you, none of these newly-commissioned Second Lieutenants will ever progress normally through the ranks so long as I am your ruler!
This "21st economy" which~for all intents and purposes~I have destroyed, offers little in future employment commensurate with your earned degrees in mind. One must take into account that the basic reason institutions of higher education exist is to further the socio-fascist philosophies rather than provide a well-rounded education. In this case, APPRENTICESHIP and EXPERIENCE are far more valuable, at least until faculties of said institutions regain a modicum of common sense. History is a great teacher; all-but-lost on the current occupants of 'the faculty lounge.'
With your stay at the feet of academia, you've been insulated from the idea that "dirt pays!" Get off your dead-asses and don't be afraid to get some dirt under your fingernails. Apprentice with your dad's friend, the plumber, the electrician, the air-conditioner guy, the auto mechanic, etc. The work ethic, basic business and economic principles~not to mention the basic experience gained~you'll learn as an apprentice will benefit you many-fold in your future endeavors.
That’s why, since I took office, I’ve worked to make college
more affordable. We reformed a student loan system that gave away billions of
taxpayer dollars to big banks and invested that money where it makes a bigger
bang – in helping more young people afford a higher education. But over the past three decades, the average tuition at a
public four-year college has more than tripled. The average undergraduate
student who borrows for college now graduates owing almost $30,000. And I’ve
heard from too many young people who are frustrated that they’ve done everything
they were supposed to do – and now they’re paying the price. I’ve taken action on my own to offer millions of students the
opportunity to cap their monthly student loan payments to 10% of their income.
But Congress needs to do its part. The good news is that Senate Democrats are
working on a bill that would help more young people save money. Just like you
can refinance your mortgage at a lower interest rate, this bill would let you
refinance your student loans. And we’d pay for it by closing loopholes that
allow some millionaires to pay a lower tax rate than the middle class.
Having the government involved in anything~if not a disaster~will retard the prospective value one might gain. The government~to include the Congress~will rarely let go of a policy, no matter how disasterous it's failure. A couple of items to buttress my point:
1. Some items in Lyndon Johnson's failed Great Society (1964-current) nearly surpassed the failures of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal (1933-1945). Many say the New Deal's 'alphabet agencies' exacerbated the FDR Depression rather than correcting it. In the fifty-years if 'The Great Society' poverty has remained static while participation in the 'alphabet' give-away programs has skyrocketed, creating a do-nothing sub-class in American society.
2. That 'great-savior-of-all-mankind'~ethanol~is the perfect illustration: studies show that ethanol-enhanced fuel creates 7% more greenhouse gas emissions than does pump-gas alone. The Congress will probably never eliminate corn subsidies for ethanol which is a 'double-whammy' for the taxpayer: said subsidies are funded by the taxpayer, while the taxpayer is subjected to higher fuel costs at the pump. Remember the opportunity costs of said subsidies: the farmer grows corn for the ethanol industry, thus removing portions of his corn production from the mouths of starving peoples, WORLDWIDE!
As I blather on, be mindful that my basic~only~desires are vilifying the accomplished while creating a less-than-informed voting bloc in the aforementioned do-nothing sub-class. The more I turn the do-nothings~know-nothings~against the accomplished, the greater divide I've created between the two. Not only does this widen the divide between those two, it enhances the divide between the two major races: the Negro and the Caucasian.
Back to my point: having the government take over the student-loan programs only serves to line the pockets of those who support my regime. Prior to the 'Economic and Racial Divide' era of the obama Reign, the major problem with the student-loan programs was: SOMEONE MADE A PROFIT! Profit is the cornerstone of the free market economy; of the American Way.
Without profit, there's nothing but the ubiquitous borrowings from China to support the massive government outlays that provide the 'do-nothings' with their lifestyle! Eventually all the borrowings I've done; all the economic destruction I've fostered, will have to be dealt with, "an' it ain't gonna be pretty!!"
That’s the choice that your representatives in Congress will
make in the coming weeks – protect young people from crushing debt, or protect
tax breaks for millionaires. And while Congress decides what it’s going to do,
I will keep doing whatever I can without Congress to help responsible young
people pay off their loans – including new action I will take this week. This country has always made a commitment to put a good
education within the reach of all who are willing to work for it. That’s what
made us an economic superpower. That’s what makes us special. And as long as I
hold this office, I’ll keep fighting to give more young people the chance to
earn their own piece of the American Dream.
Here's a couple of tidbits the conservatives, the libertarians RIGHTFULLY believe:
1. No one should be insulated from the prospect of failure.
"Failure is a great teacher!"
Protecting today's graduates from the burden of education debt only fosters the idea that whining will absolve the graduate from the pain of repaying the loans that secured their vastly over-priced~and many times, irrelevant~degrees.
2. This one is not only believed, but is written into the IRS Tax Code:
all those 'tax breaks for millionaires' is actually federal law!! Many of those evil millionaires do not EVADE their tax obligations but rather AVOID erroneous taxation through the various provisions of the code.
If you want to help the United States return to it's evil 'Superpower' status, write, call, text, tweet, smoke-signal, email your Senators, Congresspeople demanding that they return to their home districts and sit on their dead-asses!
When Congress ain't in town, they can't "break shit."
As for the executive branch: I should be remanded to the golf course were my 'damage' is limited to the fairways and the greens!!
In closing I'd like to reiterate that the systemic destruction of the American economy is progressing quite well and as planned. The EPA just this week released their~coal-fired generation plant~requirements that will hit my constituents~the poor, the uneducated, the welfareRATs~hardest. But why should I give a shit, my reign is nearly ended and my next stop is either UN Secretary-General or the King of Kenya, MY CHOICE!!
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