Status Quo Returned To obama; January 6th
"Clown Prince" obama To Continue To Run The House of Representatives
Texas Representative Louie Gohmert lacked the votes to unseat the "Clown Prince" his dupe, John Boehner [or this link] during today's speakership election within said body. Mr Gohmert~actually, much to his credit~did not have the political and taxpayer financed wherewithal to issue the bribes that Mr Boehner-obama had available, like promising desired committee memberships/chairmanships; promising particularly desirable office space; promising taxpayer funded pork-for-votes, etc.
Now that the less-than-conservative status quo has been preserved for another two years, we can expect "the Town Crier" Speaker o'Boehner/Speaker Jar'o'Boehner to continue what he's done for the past four years... get his marching orders from 'Rasputin' Jarrett through "Clown Prince" obama.
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Texas Representative Louie Gohmert lacked the votes to unseat the "Clown Prince" his dupe, John Boehner [or this link] during today's speakership election within said body. Mr Gohmert~actually, much to his credit~did not have the political and taxpayer financed wherewithal to issue the bribes that Mr Boehner-obama had available, like promising desired committee memberships/chairmanships; promising particularly desirable office space; promising taxpayer funded pork-for-votes, etc.
- Note: Didja like that "Mr Boehner-obama...?" or maybe "Mr o'Boehner...?" If we include Valerie 'Rasputin' Jarrett, the speaker's name might look like.... "Mr Jar'o'Boehner....!" Leave a comment and tell me which should be used for the next two years and fourteen days... ok?
Now that the less-than-conservative status quo has been preserved for another two years, we can expect "
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
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