
Showing posts from December, 2014

If Nixon... Why Not obama?!? December 30th

I'll Tell Ya Why Not...     If the current president, " Clown Prince " obama were to be impeached a travesty would occur!  Not that 'the little brown DICTATOR ' hasn't earned this dubious honor with his CONSTANT LYING , his FAILURE TO UPHOLD THE PRESIDENTIAL OATH OF OFFICE !! The travesty would not be the fact that said " Clown Prince " would be thrown out on his 'fuzzy, brown ass,' but the individual~ by law ~that would replace him: look at the various dunces in line to replace the Dunce-in-Chief, like... 1. The vice president: " Hairplug " Joe Biden ; 2. The Speaker of the House: " Wafflin '" John Boehner ; 3. The President pro-tem of the Senate: Harry " pick-your-nose-'n'-eat-it " Reid ; 4. The Secretary of State: John Heinz-Forbes-Heinz-Kerry ; 5. The Secretary of the Treasury: Jack Lew ; 6. The Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel [or obama "Yes-Man" Ashton Carter ]; 7. The Att...

My Blather: A Few Suggestions? December 29th

Mandates Demand Testicular Fortitude     Post-midterm elections, the republicRATic 'path' seems undefined if not disjointed.  I'm sure the party has a lot of policy wonks who'll dispute my suggestions, but here goes: 1.  Revise your past actions.  Rather than allowing " Clown Prince " obama "suck-you-in" to a fight you can't win, appoint one of your own~ whether the House or the Senate or both ~as a "Sucker-Punch Czar."  The selected dude or dudette would determine the nature of the ulterior motive~ he always has one ~of any statements, projections, appointments, etc., the " Clown Prince " may regurgitate.  Determine the party's countermeasures and insure ADHERENCE to them! [{ Item #2 }  Since I started this rant, the whiney-ass John Boehner has already rolled-over for " Clown Prince " obama and passed a one-year budget.  Said budget essentially funds all the highly crooked shit said " Clown " ha...

My Blather.... How Much Longer....?

Even Beyond Both Currently And The Upcoming 25 Months?!?     " Clown Prince " obama has previously stated~ threatened ~he would stay in the District of Corruption in his post-rule years.  Currently, this schlub can not wait to get out of the city, out of barack INGHAM PALACE so it seems doubtful~ at least to me ~that he'll retain residence.  His " clownship " has said~ amazingly, given his narcissism ~that daughter Natasha would have a lot of 'the say' in where the family finally resides... I'll believe that when I see it!!     More to the point is developments in federal leadership in the wake of the putting-down of thuggish thief, Michael Brown , late of Ferguson, Missouri.  Federal 'leadership' is even more missing in said wake than it has been throughout the Valerie ' Rasputin ' Jarrett reign!  Rasputin has the ugly habit of fomating a plan, then sending the "Clown Prince" out to the lapdog media to insure the ...