My Blather.... How Much Longer....?

Even Beyond Both Currently And The Upcoming 25 Months?!?
    "Clown Prince" obama has previously stated~threatened~he would stay in the District of Corruption in his post-rule years.  Currently, this schlub can not wait to get out of the city, out of barackINGHAM PALACE so it seems doubtful~at least to me~that he'll retain residence.  His "clownship" has said~amazingly, given his narcissism~that daughter Natasha would have a lot of 'the say' in where the family finally resides... I'll believe that when I see it!!
    More to the point is developments in federal leadership in the wake of the putting-down of thuggish thief, Michael Brown, late of Ferguson, Missouri.  Federal 'leadership' is even more missing in said wake than it has been throughout the Valerie 'Rasputin' Jarrett reign!  Rasputin has the ugly habit of fomating a plan, then sending the "Clown Prince" out to the lapdog media to insure the uninformed~nonthinking~voters are aware of the plan.  In the wake of the federally agitated racial unrest in Ferguson, she's initiated these steps:
  • Convening the lowest of the nation's race-baiters and 'lynch-mobbers' at barackINGHAM PALACE to develop a plan to continue the racial unrest, NATIONWIDE;.  Those attending included (organization) Al Sharpton (Tax-Evaders, United {I don't care who ya are, THAT'S FUNNY!}); Ashley Yates, (Millennial Activists United); Rasheen Aldridge, (Young Activists St. Louis); Brittany Packnett, (St. Louis educator and activist); T-Dubb-O, (St. Louis hip-hop artist); James Hayes, (Ohio Students Association); Phillip Agnew, (Dream Defenders); and Jose Lopez, (Make the Road New York).
  • Putting body cameras on up to 50,000 police, failing to realize this would likely be a professional death sentence to the most prominent baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk;
  • Appointing a task force~headed by Charles Ramsey and Laurie Robinson~to insure that police are 'handcuffed' in their dealings with the racist miscreants in minority neighborhoods, communities.  Ramsey and Robinson are immediately suspect-'Rasputin' normally appoints avowed communists, socialists and Alinsky-ites;
  • Releasing a demanded report on the use of military equipment transferred to civilian police agencies.  Said equipment includes~among other items~92,442 small arms, 44,275 night-vision devices, 5,235 Humvees, 617 mine-resistant vehicles and 616 aircraft;
  • 'Suggested' the "Clown Prince" sign an executive order directing federal agencies to develop uniform, cross-government policy on local law enforcement equipment acquisition.
    Is there any of the above that escapes the appearance of window-dressing?
As is normal in the Rasputin-Clown Prince regime, the most shit possible is stirred vigorously, then lip-stick applied to ensure palatability for the "gimme-shit" supporters!  Not only that:  Missouri Lt Governor Peter Kinder strongly suspects that~more-than-incompetent~Governor Jay Nixon was ordered by 'Rasputin' to keep the National Guard OUT OF FERGUSON!!
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"


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