
Showing posts from 2014

If Nixon... Why Not obama?!? December 30th

I'll Tell Ya Why Not...     If the current president, " Clown Prince " obama were to be impeached a travesty would occur!  Not that 'the little brown DICTATOR ' hasn't earned this dubious honor with his CONSTANT LYING , his FAILURE TO UPHOLD THE PRESIDENTIAL OATH OF OFFICE !! The travesty would not be the fact that said " Clown Prince " would be thrown out on his 'fuzzy, brown ass,' but the individual~ by law ~that would replace him: look at the various dunces in line to replace the Dunce-in-Chief, like... 1. The vice president: " Hairplug " Joe Biden ; 2. The Speaker of the House: " Wafflin '" John Boehner ; 3. The President pro-tem of the Senate: Harry " pick-your-nose-'n'-eat-it " Reid ; 4. The Secretary of State: John Heinz-Forbes-Heinz-Kerry ; 5. The Secretary of the Treasury: Jack Lew ; 6. The Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel [or obama "Yes-Man" Ashton Carter ]; 7. The Att...

My Blather: A Few Suggestions? December 29th

Mandates Demand Testicular Fortitude     Post-midterm elections, the republicRATic 'path' seems undefined if not disjointed.  I'm sure the party has a lot of policy wonks who'll dispute my suggestions, but here goes: 1.  Revise your past actions.  Rather than allowing " Clown Prince " obama "suck-you-in" to a fight you can't win, appoint one of your own~ whether the House or the Senate or both ~as a "Sucker-Punch Czar."  The selected dude or dudette would determine the nature of the ulterior motive~ he always has one ~of any statements, projections, appointments, etc., the " Clown Prince " may regurgitate.  Determine the party's countermeasures and insure ADHERENCE to them! [{ Item #2 }  Since I started this rant, the whiney-ass John Boehner has already rolled-over for " Clown Prince " obama and passed a one-year budget.  Said budget essentially funds all the highly crooked shit said " Clown " ha...

My Blather.... How Much Longer....?

Even Beyond Both Currently And The Upcoming 25 Months?!?     " Clown Prince " obama has previously stated~ threatened ~he would stay in the District of Corruption in his post-rule years.  Currently, this schlub can not wait to get out of the city, out of barack INGHAM PALACE so it seems doubtful~ at least to me ~that he'll retain residence.  His " clownship " has said~ amazingly, given his narcissism ~that daughter Natasha would have a lot of 'the say' in where the family finally resides... I'll believe that when I see it!!     More to the point is developments in federal leadership in the wake of the putting-down of thuggish thief, Michael Brown , late of Ferguson, Missouri.  Federal 'leadership' is even more missing in said wake than it has been throughout the Valerie ' Rasputin ' Jarrett reign!  Rasputin has the ugly habit of fomating a plan, then sending the "Clown Prince" out to the lapdog media to insure the ...

Eighty-Two (82) Plus, Years; November 18th

Socialism's Underground Tactics Come To Light     With Jonathan Gruber 's "confessions," the public is all aghast at these socialist admissions... like active, overt socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Hitlerism, obamism just happened on " Clown Prince " obama 's watch.  " Clown Prince " obama is being backed into a corner~ a corner he can AND WILL lie his way out of ~of his own creation.  The Gruber videos undeniably link the " Clown Prince " to the formulation of the most destructive~ unconstitutional ~piece of legislation ever foisted upon man!!  Said videos also~ figuratively ~put Valerie " Rasputin " Jarrett 's " tit-in-a-wringer !" One need only to check Wikipedia (that bastion of facts, honesty and truth) to see the aforementioned social travesties got their foothold in American society in the late 1800s.     The 'modern era,'American socialism~ say from 1932, forward ~got it's gr...

"...and For What...?" October 16th

Current Congress Populated With Crooks!     Since almost forever, people like me have complained about the lack of trust, honesty, ethics, integrity and yes.... Meaningful Legislation in the United States Congress.  For far too long, said body has become a career-haven for those desiring to enhance their wealth and influence.  Was it~ in the beginning ~that politicians coming to the nation's capitol to "do the peoples' work," at times traveling and living at their own expense.  After a term or two, going home to resume their careers or retirement.  Not today...!     A media ad for one wealth/asset management company I've heard says today's Congresspersons work but 129 days a year !  Imagine that!!  And they 'graciously' perform their duties for the princely sum of $174,000 per annum... exclusive of the many, many, highly-valuable perks that come with their 'thrones-of-excess.'    In all fairnes...

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather Correction; August 16th

barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption  August 16, 2014 [This blather was originally recorded in 'The Palace ' prior to the start of the Jarrett/obama families' $6,000,000++ MONTHLY vacation at the Vineyard links in Taxachussetts.  I~ as opposed to the "Clown Prince "~have household duties to complete.  That's my best~ and only ~excuse for taking so long for these truths to come out!]     Over the next couple weeks, schools all across the country will be opening their doors. Students will suit up for fall sports, marching band, and the school play; moms and dads will snap those first-day-of-school pictures -- and that includes me and Michelle.  And so today, I want to talk directly with students and parents about one of the most important things any of you can do this year -- and that’s to begin preparing yourself for an education beyond high school.     We know that in today’s economy, whether you go to a four-year ...

My Blather.... August 3rd; obama: An Arab-Kenyan Ruler?

Depends-If 'One-Drop' Rule Is Adhered To     There is some argument continuing that " Clown Prince " obama is an Arab-American as opposed to a negro or an African-American.  If one adheres to the "one drop" rule~ one drop of negro blood makes the entire body, negro ~then I guess Mr obama is indeed a negro.  The Arab-American argument has to be based on percentages, thus in the " Clown Prince 's" case : obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side;  obama is 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side; obama senior was from Kenya and the family is primarily Arabs; obama senior was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab.     Mr obama is NOT~ by a long shot ~the first black president! " Clownie ," meet four of your predecessors : Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson Abraham Lincoln Warren G. Harding Dwight D. Eisenhower The fifth on the list~ General and President Eisenhower ~is involved in s...

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather Correction; July 26th

Weekly Blather barack INGHAM PALACE , District of Corruption July 26, 2014 Our businesses have now added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months.  The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since September 2008 – the fastest one-year drop in nearly 30 years.  401(k)s are growing, fewer homes are underwater, and for the first time in more than a decade, business leaders around the world have declared that the world’s number one place to invest isn’t China; it’s the United States of America – and our lead is growing.  None of this is an accident.  It’s thanks to the resilience and resolve of the American people that our country has recovered faster and come farther than almost any other advanced nation on Earth.  But there’s another trend that threatens to undermine the progress you’ve helped make.  Even as corporate profits are as high as ever, a small but growing group of big corporations are fleeing the country to get out ...

My Blather.... July 25th; Let The Whining Begin....

So What?     So what if it took Joe Wood nearly two hours to die by lethal injection?  Ultimately, the desired outcome was achieved.  The sole purpose of the death penalty~ and by extension, lethal injections, hanging, the firing squad, the electric chair ~ is to kill the miscreant, so what's the big deal?  Just look at what Mr Wood did to put himself in such a position: In 1989, Joseph Wood smilingly fired one shot into Gene Dietz' chest, then fired two shots into his daughter Debbie's chest.  Both shootings were at point-blank range. Even if all Mr Wood 's shots were into the heart of each victim, I doubt seriously that either of them died instantaneously.  Both daughter and father had to suffer excruciating pain for the several minutes required for them to bleed-out and succumb to the fatal injuries.  Not only were the Dietz 's subjected to the fatal shootings, both also suffered the emotional pain of staring down and pleading w...

My Blather.... June 18th; All A Coincidence?!?

Are Members Of Regime Conspirators?     One only need to apply~ that missing ingredient in the District of Corruption ~logic in looking at the latest fiasco at the U.S. Southern Border.  Child illegal ' INVADERS ' are arriving at the United States' southern border at alarming rates from Honduras , El Salvador and Guatemala,  driving Border Patrol arrests exponentially higher.  In just 7-1/2 months (Oct 1-May 17), Texas arrests were 148,017 ; Arizona arrests were 62,876 , the vast majority children.     How big a coincidence would it take for all these child 'INVADERS' to arrive~ with no adult escorts ~at various~ both legal and illegal ~border crossing points?!?  Did the various Central American mothers just congregate at the local bodega and just decide~ enmass, without prompt ~to send their adolescents north~ again, without escort; without adult supervision ~to INVADE the United States?!?  Local Central American me...