Presidential Pay; Just Another Way

Has He Really Earned It?!?
    Look at the presidential approval ratings polls.
Look at the congressional approval ratings polls, both individually and collectively.  Very few have actually "earned their pay!"  I propose that they be paid thusly.
    The presidential pay is~~for you and I~~is a whoopin' $400,000 PER YEAR, not per term-of-office.  For a few, way too much; for some, not nearly enough.  This doesn't include the liberal personal travel allowances or the massive retirement-for-life benefits of that office.
[The congressional pay~~those NOT in leadership(?) positions~~is $174,000 again MOST times too much, sometimes too little.]
    Let's look at "Clown Prince" obama's numbers, just for "shits-and-giggles."  For the aforementioned "shits-and-giggles," let's use Scott Rasmussen's Daily Tracking Poll (Trends).
After spending his first six-months in positive territory, Dear Leader fell into his usual negatives, only to venture out on three occasions to the present. 
As with a private-sector chief executive, the nation's president's compensation should be tied to his performance or lack thereof.  The "Clown Prince's" dismal-to-awful performance measurements should also be reflected in his compensation, maybe on a monthly basis.
Disregarding perquisites of the office, we'll concentrate on Dear Leader's $400,000 in annual compensation only.  That breaks down to $33,333 per month, that breaks down to $8,333 per week, that breaks down $1,222 per day, that breaks down to $277 per hour, given that "Clown Prince" obama works MAYBE six hours, MAYBE five days a week. 
Pretty good pay for a law school grad-student lecturer, aye?!?

According to Mr Rasmussen, during his first 11 days in office Dear Leader is a total of 64 points above 50% approve, 50% disapprove.  A daily point average is 5.81 points above 50%.  Thus his pay for the eleven days of January, 2009 should be 5.81% greater than $8,333 or $8,817.  Conversely, "Clown Prince" obama would be docked pay by the same formula:
During his most recent week as ruler, the "Clown Prince" was a total of 104 points BELOW the 50% approve; 50% disapprove level.  So his pay should be docked 10.4%, with the new weekly pay being $7,467.  This is a far more equitable, far more pro-taxpayer than the full $400k for just sittin' around with one's feet on the Resolute Desk!!
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"


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