"Clown Prince" Correction February 8th

Lies, More Lies.... Corrected

"Clown Prince" obama

District of Corruption
February 8, 2014

In my State of the Union Address, I talked about the idea of opportunity for all. 
Opportunity is the idea at the heart of this country – that no matter who you are or how you started out, with hard work and responsibility, you can get ahead.
I ran for President to restore that idea, and I’m even more passionate about it today.  Because while our economy has been growing for four years, and those at the top are doing better than ever, average wages have barely budged.  Too many Americans are working harder than ever just to get by, let alone get ahead – and that’s been true since long before the recession hit.
We’ve got to reverse those trends.  We’ve got to build an economy that works for everyone, not just a fortunate few.  And the opportunity agenda I laid out last week will help us do that. 
It’s an agenda with four parts. 
Number one: more new jobs. 
Doesn't this "more new jobs" thingie seem 'just a smidgen' hypocritical to you?  The country'd have been far better off if I'd just gone golfing for the past five-plus years rather than tinkering with the country's economy; rather than engaging in all the unscrupulous crap I've been doing.  For someone who has never~~who never could~~even run a 'pop-stand,' I jumped head-long into topics, conditions I had no inkling about; cared even less about.  We need only to look at the latest CBO report to see that obamaKare has been the most jobs-destructive plan ever devised by man!  Prior to that~~and equally as bad~~all my wealth redistribution schemes had the same affect: taking money out of the economy to reward my friends, supporters, donors and bundlers.  Said money~~if left in the hands of those who earned it~~would have created far more jobs than my wealth-redistribution scam EVER COULD HAVE.
Number two: training folks with the skills to fill those jobs.  
Only recently has the obama Regime gotten on the 'trade-school' bandwagon.  The middleclass, middle-of-the-road conservatives have know for years that an AFFORDABLE ivy-league education is an oxymoron that will never exist so long as there are federally backed education loans and grants.
This blogger has always said: "Far more 'professionals' call plumbers than do plumbers call 'professionals'."
The take-away from the aforementioned quote is that 'the trades' are far more necessary than some 'professional' with a doctorate in say....
"African Studies with emphasis on Kenyan Invaders in America" or some other such nonsense!!
Remember, there's a reason I wanted all education loans to be controlled by the federal government.  We control the narrative, we control the subject matter financed, we control the number of graduates in a select group of academic disciplines.  Plumbin' ain't one of them!!
Number three: guaranteeing every child access to a world-class education.  
As with every thing "guaranteed," said guarantee opens that segment of our lives to abuse.  We~~and by 'we' I mean the liberal socio-fascists among the ruling-class~~have hammered-home the likelihood of failure if one doesn't achieve a bachelors, a masters or a doctorate degree in something, ANYTHING.  There's nothing further from the truth as noted in the paragraph above.                   
And number four: making sure that hard work pays off, with wages you can live on, savings you can retire on, and health insurance that’s there when you need it. 
Finally!  We've gravitated to the most recent lies I've been telling.  Another oxymoronic statement I recently made: making sure hard work pays off-How can that be, when my objective is~~and always has been~~to have as many neandrathalic-morons dependent upon the government tit as is humanly possible. 

With this incentivizing, each welfareRAT is rewarded~~compensated handsomely~~for NOT WORKING!

"myRA...."  DO NOT touch that Ponzi Scheme with a ten-foot pole!  How stupid do people have to be to think I have their best interests at heart?!?  Not only is this scam worse than Social Security, it won't have defined payouts as SS does.  myRA is entirely dependent on what interest rate is determined for savings bonds, of late, dam' little!!  The country would be far better off investing in precious metals than any vehicle devised, scammed by your (?) government!!      
    I want to work with Congress on this agenda where I can. But in this year of action, whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, I will.  I’ve got a pen and a phone – a pen to take executive action, and a phone to rally citizens and business leaders who are eager to create new jobs and new opportunities.  And we’ve already begun.
In Wisconsin, I ordered an across-the-board reform of our training programs to train folks with the skills employers need, and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now.  As always, "late to the dance."
In Pittsburgh, I directed the Treasury to create “my-RA,” a new way for working Americans, even if you’re not wealthy, to start your own retirement savings.  As always, scam-after-scam eventually folding into scandal-after-scandal.  See above.
In Maryland, I rallied the leaders of some of America’s biggest tech companies to help us make sure all our kids have access to high-speed internet and up-to-date technology to help them learn the skills they need for the new economy.
And.... with no controls, with no accountability, most movable technology will find it's way to the corner pawnshop.
And at the White House, I brought together business leaders who’ve committed to helping more unemployed Americans find work, no matter how long they’ve been looking.  And I directed the federal government to make hiring decisions the same way – based on whether applicants can do the job, not when they last had a job

And.... I've had a "jobs council" for how long?!?  Early on~~after my first immaculation~~I made that despicable American: Jeff Immelt my chairman of the Presidents Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.  To show my great concern for those many millions I~~both personally and with my ineptocracy~~put out of work, let's look at said council's timeline:  2011-creation, plus two subsequent meetings; Jan 17, 2012-indecisive meeting; Jan 31, 2013-I~~your Dear Leader~~let MY ineffective 'Jobs Council' expire.
So when you hear me talk about using my pen and my phone to make a difference for middle class Americans and those working to get into the middle class, that’s what I mean.  And I’m going to keep asking students and parents and business leaders to help – because there are millions of Americans outside Washington who are tired of stale political arguments, ready to move this country forward, and determined to restore the founding vision of opportunity for all.  And so am I. 

That "pen-and-phone" thingie....  that's to remind the congress that I have no intention what-so-ever of honoring my oath of office which is:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” 
My reckoning of the aforementioned oath is that I shall take my MONTHLY, taxpayer funded vacations as well as spend as much time as possible on the several area golf courses.  No where in the oath does it say I shall not use executive orders to circumvent the Congress to advance my socio-fascist ideology, nor that I shall not use my "obama-Fo" to round up supporters among the many millions of welfareRAT queens you~~the American taxpayer~~supports in a style you cannot afford for yourself!


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