This 'n' That; Stocks; Kindle; Reading, October 9th
Topics For Today.... Aren't Stocks Wonderful I've been involved in stocks, in investing, in the stock market~ one way or the other ~since I was about 12 or 14 years old, when I started following what my Dad was doing. He helped a lot, pointing me in the right direction for an informal education. In those pre-internet days, print media was the only resource I had.... Forbes Magazine, Finance, The Wall Street Journal newspaper; things like that. With my Mom working in a subscription agency we had access to practically any magazine or paper, worldwide . After my last divorce and about six months after my return to the manufacturing sector~ working for minimum pay plus piecework rate ~I decided being an 'over-the-road' truck driver would solve a lot of immediate problems. Driving truck would~ for the most part ~keep me away from people and feed my nomadic nature. In the late '90s I finally got a laptop comp...