
Showing posts from October, 2015

This 'n' That; Stocks; Kindle; Reading, October 9th

Topics For Today.... Aren't Stocks Wonderful     I've been involved in stocks, in investing, in the stock market~ one way or the other ~since I was about 12 or 14 years old, when I started following what my Dad was doing.  He helped a lot, pointing me in the right direction for an informal education.  In those pre-internet days, print media was the only resource I had.... Forbes Magazine, Finance, The Wall Street Journal newspaper; things like that.  With my Mom working in a subscription agency we had access to practically any magazine or paper, worldwide .     After my last divorce and about six months after my return to the manufacturing sector~ working for minimum pay plus piecework rate ~I decided being an 'over-the-road' truck driver would solve a lot of immediate problems.  Driving truck would~ for the most part ~keep me away from people and feed my nomadic nature.  In the late '90s I finally got a laptop comp...

This 'n' That; Millitary; China Summit; Rochester; October 7th

"This 'n' That" Topics For October 7th Obama Continues NON-Support For Military     Ya know those Marines who stand at the " Vacation-One-Alpha " helicopter's steps; those Air Force enlisted men and officers who stand at the " Vacation-One " 747's steps, those guys?  For all their dedication, " Clown Prince" obama has~ since the start of his rule ~ROYALLY f*cked them and their kind.  He expects to "draw red lines in the sand" and continue to rattle America's sabers and to do it with an underfunded, undermanned, underequipped air, sea and land military.  How does that go along with his oath-of-rule?!? " Beat's the shit out'a me!"     Each~ and EVERY ~year of his rule, the " Clown Prince " has reduced the military budget in some form-or-fashion... missile defense, military~ but not civilian ~manpower, benefits for both members and families, bases, ships, nearly the entire scope of...

This 'n' That; Voter ID; Police State; Hillary-Benghazi; October 6th

"This 'n' That" Topics For Today: The Necessity of Voter ID    Twenty-six socialistic states in the United States have no identification requirements to vote in any election at any level.  New York~ where I'm forced to live ~is proud to be one of them!  There are lists of those folks who've voted illegally which very well may have swayed elections away from the LEGAL citizens' desires.    Here and here are lists of the VERY FEW who've been caught and convicted of voter fraud in some form.  Given the 2016 presidential election may very well be a tumultuous one~ to say the least ~is even more reason to tighten the ID requirements to ensure the citizens' desires are reflected!  Ah! Childhood Memories...     North Cohocton 's Old Country Store has reopened!! [Bet'cha never heard of that place!! GLG -you're excluded!] This place~ in various eras ~is famous for several things, two of th...

This 'n' That; Climate; Chaffetz; ++; October 5th

When Facts Don't Support, Jail The Dissenters! [From]  The plan by climate alarmists to have other scientists imprisoned for their ‘ global warming ’ skepticism is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “ the largest science scandal in US history .” [...] But his first, far bigger mistake, was his hubris in organizing the letter [suggesting use of the RICO laws against dissenters] in the first place. It drew the attention of Shukla’s critics to something which, presumably, he would have preferred to keep secret: that for nearly 14 years, he, his family and his friends have been gorging themselves on taxpayers’ money at IGES; and that this money comes on top of the very generous salary he receives for doing much the same work at George Mason University (GMU). It’s the latter detail which has led former Virginia State Climatologist ...

This 'n' That; Got'a Pee? October 3rd

...And THIS Is Important To Country's "Welfare?" Safe Place To Pee: Those obama ite socio-fascists safely ensconced in barack INGHAM PALACE have found that peeing safely~ or lack thereof ~has become one of the most important kerfuffles to face this nation in modern times.  Said ensconcees apparently aren't bright enough to check the various app stores.  There's been this app for that very purpose since February, 2014 [ ].   Now For Other Crap Next President vs EVIL muslim Terrorism : [Note:  Google~ in it's infinite wisdom ~has made it impossible for me to successfully add photos... EVEN while correctly following all the steps.  Any photos referenced on this blog can be viewed on my (duplicate) posting on wordpress: ] Just before WWI~ while fighting muslim extremists [EVIL terrorists] ~ then- Major General John J. ...

This 'n' That; All Manner of Crap; October 2nd

If It Happens, Should We Be Happy About It? Russian Bombing in Syria :  Lots of folks think Vladimir Putin has handed obama his " fuzzy ass on a silver platter " with said bombing of Syria ONE DAY after meeting with the " Clown Prince ."  I say "not so fast, Bubba !" Anyone with a modicum of common sense should realize that it's Valerie Jarrett who's pulling obama 's strings; he hasn't had an original thought in years, at least not since chooming in Hawaii!  She was born in Iran~ albeit with two American parents ~and was surrounded with relatives and mentors who are/were devout COMMUNISTS, very much the equal to obama 's childhood/early adulthood.  There we can see where her ideological leanings come from. So what if Vlad 's bombing in Syria.... he ain't hurting ISIS/ISIL one whit; his bombs are falling hundreds of miles from them.  We'll have to wait to see where obama draws his usual ' red-line-in-the-sand...

This 'n' That; The Trump Tax Plan; October 1st

Trump Tax Plan~Some Things I Like, Some I Don't     Given the current size of the IRS Tax Code, it's no wonder that Donald Trump only hit the high points. He failed to mention an important one, but let's get to that later. Mr Trump 's tax plan points will be in 'Georgia-italic' and my comments will be in 'Trebuchet.'  Buckle up and let's get after it.  Mr Trump 's tax plan: Reduces tax brackets from 7 to 4: 0%, 10%, 20%, 25%. I'm really not in favor of multi- bracket system.  Look at all the taxes the average American pays BEYOND the income tax: fuel taxes, city-county-state sales taxes, excise taxes on such things as auto tires and appliances, Medicare Tax [ even for me at 69 years old~having no use for it and probably never will~BUT still gotta pay the premiums .]  Given all these ancillary taxes.... how 'bout we average   Mr Trump 's four brackets for a FLAT TAX rate of 6.25%. ...