This 'n' That; Stocks; Kindle; Reading, October 9th

Topics For Today....
Aren't Stocks Wonderful
    I've been involved in stocks, in investing, in the stock market~one way or the other~since I was about 12 or 14 years old, when I started following what my Dad was doing.  He helped a lot, pointing me in the right direction for an informal education.  In those pre-internet days, print media was the only resource I had.... Forbes Magazine, Finance, The Wall Street Journal newspaper; things like that.  With my Mom working in a subscription agency we had access to practically any magazine or paper, worldwide.
    After my last divorce and about six months after my return to the manufacturing sector~working for minimum pay plus piecework rate~I decided being an 'over-the-road' truck driver would solve a lot of immediate problems.  Driving truck would~for the most part~keep me away from people and feed my nomadic nature.  In the late '90s I finally got a laptop computer and later an internet "thingie" through Sprint; I just plugged the "thingie" into the side of the computer and wah-lah... the whole world opened up, especially Scottrade!!  During those early years I'd... "just turn right and buy stock [go into a rest area, truck stop and start my daily research]."
    Enough of that nostalgia crap... on to the point of this entry.  My 'norm' is to find any number of stocks that 'look interesting' and put them into a watch list.  This list will tell me the date I found [added] the stock and the 'original' price.  As part of my research, I do quite a bit of reading on stocks, both in the media and what they have to say on their website.  The stock we're talking about is a preferred issue from Goodrich Petroleum Corp.  One item that really jumped out at me was that Goodrich [ticker: GDPpC] had intermediate and long-range delivery contracts in the $90/barrel range.  At the time West Texas Sweet Crude was in the $50-60/barrel range.  So right there was a $30-40/barrel potential GROSS PROFIT.
Here's how the watch list, the stock purchases went:
  •     October, 2014     $26.++/share  [watch list]
  •     March, 2015        $10.++/share [watch list]
  •     June, 2015           $6.++/share  [watch list]
  •     August, 2015        $4.++/share [watch list]
  •     08/19/2015; 200 @$2.56/share [purchase]
  •     09/11/2015; 100 @$2.00/share [purchase]
  •     09/17/2015; 100 @$1.87/share [purchase]
  •     09/29/2015;  85 @$o.79/share [purchase]
Today's close saw Goodrich Petroleum finish at $3.60, up $1.28; up 55.17%.  Given that, these 485 shares [total cost of about $995.00] are now worth about $1760.00.  Not too shabby for an amateur, aye?!? 
But, hey.... tomorrow could be the beginning of another 'downhill slide,' so who knows?
A couple of added items to think about:
  • My investment is in Goodrich's preferred stock;
  • At the current price, Goodrich has a 161.29% annual dividend yield.
My plan so far, is for funds invested through my wife's Scottrade account to concentrate on stocks paying a dividend of 8% or greater.  My account is used to invest in those of a more volatile nature like penny stocks or those at all-time lows in price or those in sectors out of favor with the average investor.
**Remember!  It is THE INVESTOR's obligation to perform ALL DUE DILIGENCE prior to buying ANY STOCK!!**


 Some New Books I'm Reading/Have Read
    Finally, about 10 months ago~after a multitude of blatant hints~I got'a Kindle WhitePaper for my birthday.  Since then I've been devouring books as fast as I can afford them!  My primary genre is military history/military novels.  Secondarily American history, the Founding Fathers et al.
    I've recently finished:
  • "Corp Justice" 10-book series by C.G. Cooper;
  • "Wings of War" series by Mark Berent;
  • "Soldiers and Marines" by Martin Archer;
  • "Reagan" by Brett Harper;
  • "B-52 Remembrances" by Philip Rowe;
  • "Partners To A Degree" by Horst Christian... among others.
    Some of my wish list:
  • The remainder of the "Soldiers and Marines" 5-book series;
  • The remainder of the "...To A Degree" series;
  • "Scar" by Tom McComb;
  • "NCIS History Special Agent VietNam" by Douglass Hubbard, Jr.
My Kindle has become one of the greatest additions to my "library!" 


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