"Clown Prince" obama's Weekly Blather; June 25th
Remarks of President Barack Obama as Delivered
Weekly Address
The White House
June 25, 2016
Weekly Address
The White House
June 25, 2016
Hi everybody. The story of America is a story of progress. It’s written by ordinary people who put their shoulders to the wheel of history to make sure that the promise of our founding applies not just to some of us – but to all of us.
Farmers and blacksmiths who chose revolution over tyranny. Immigrants who crossed oceans and the Rio Grande. Women who reached for the ballot, and scientists who shot for the moon. The preachers, and porters, and seamstresses who guided us toward the mountaintop of freedom [Those immigrants of whom I speak... they were LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, coming here to make better lives for themselves, their families, the generations to follow. What we see now are primarily ILLEGAL INVADERS, those who want~like leaches~to suck the American working man and woman dry. The vast majority only come to this country to feed off the system, to take as much as possible while never assimilating. They establish their own communities where~primarily the Islamic muslim provocateurs~they prevent police from entering "their lil' enclaves." I allow this to continue~as a self-identifying muslim immam, myself~because I feel everyone has a responsibility to protect their heritage, their national histories. While it may not be keeping the the nationalism of the United States, it VERY-WELL IS in keeping with my personal 'legacy-building' measures. In this case, said legacy should read... "...while he pandered to every liberal cause on the planet, he was busy tearing America asunder, with plenty of help of muslims as well as those socio-fascist, commie-libs who provided the 'rent-a-mobs' to reinforce the communist bent..."]
Sometimes, we can mark that progress in special places – hallowed ground where history was written – places like Independence Hall. Gettysburg. Seneca Falls. Kitty Hawk and Cape Canaveral. The Edmund Pettus Bridge. One of these special places is the Stonewall Inn. Back in 1969, as a turbulent decade was winding down, the Stonewall Inn was a popular gathering place for New York City’s LGBT community. At the time, being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender was considered obscene, illegal – even a mental illness. One night, police raided the bar, and started arresting folks. Raids like these were nothing new – but this time, the patrons had had enough. So they stood up, and spoke out, andover the course of the next several days, they refused to be silenced. The riots became protests; the protests became a movement; the movement ultimately became an integral part of America. Over the past seven years, we’ve seen achievements that would have been unimaginable to the folks who, knowingly or not, started the modern LGBT movement at Stonewall. Today, all Americans are protected by a hate crimes law that includes sexual orientation and gender identity. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is history. Insurance companies can no longer turn you away because of who you are. Transgender Americans are more visible than ever, helping to make our nation more inclusive and welcoming for all. And one year ago this weekend, we lit the White House in every color – because in every state in America, you’re now free to marry the person you love. There’s still work to do. As we saw two weeks ago in Orlando, the LGBT community still faces real discrimination, real violence, real hate. So we can’t rest. We’ve got to keep pushing for equality and acceptance and tolerance [Speaking of pandering.... here's one of my better examples. The gays and trannies have been great supporters of every commie-lib idea to come down the pike. My latest panderism is to allow the pedophile, the voyeur, the common pervert into the ladies room to watch your eight-year-old daughter, to watch the 80-year-old granny~and every age in between~sit on the can, pull up~or down~their pants; to adjust their bras, all manner of personal~PERSONAL~grooming functions, not intended to be a part of the pervert 'experience.'].
But the arc of our history is clear – it’s an arc of progress. And a lot of that progress can be traced back to Stonewall. So this week, I’m designating the Stonewall National Monument as the newest addition to America’s national parks system. Stonewall will be our first national monument to tell the story of the struggle for LGBT rights. I believe our national parks should reflect the full story of our country – the richness and diversity and uniquely American spirit that has always defined us. That we are stronger together. That out of many, we are one. That’s what makes us the greatest nation on earth. And it’s what we celebrate at Stonewall – for our generation and for all those who come after us [I'm sure by now, most of America has heard of Reverand Jeremiah Wright's "Down-Lo Club." If you're one of the fortunate few and would like to know about the 'proclivities' of some of we socio-fascist, commie-libs, you have but to "google" the term. I'm sure now you'll understand all this pervert, tranny-restroom crap!! 'Nuff said... you and the rest of America can arrive at your own conclusions.].
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