This'n'That; December 20th; Michelle [myBelle] Bullshittin' THE Oprah

"WHEW!"  ...Then Off To Hawaii ON YOUR DIME!
    With the interview taped~"in-the-can"~the obamas continued on their MONTHLY vacation~this last one~a "Rahma-dahma-ding-dong" to celebrate the Islamist-muslim terrorist version of the Christian Christmas holidays.

'The Oprah' asked "Michelle-Antoinette" obama if she thought her husband's regime achieved the 'hope' that the regime was all about:

"Yes, I do. Because we feel the difference now,” she said, referring to the election results which will put Republican Donald Trump in the White House. “See, now we are feeling what not having hope feels like, you know. Hope is necessary. It is a necessary concept. What do you give your kids if you can't give them hope?"
 Many of those who wrote in the comments section were alluding to the NEW FOUND hope with the Donald Trump election... like:

  • She say's the election was painful to watch.......hell the last 8 years have been painful for us to not only watch, but live through......and thank god we made it. I just hope it was in time.
  • For the first time in 8 years, I have hope for the future of my children and grandchildren. Thank God and Grayhound she's gone.
  • "Michelle obama gave a somber exit interview to Oprah Winfrey"
  • Yeah, EXIT, as in GTFO...
  • What does she mean color doesn't mean anything. It meant everything under this administration. Black Lies Matter started under obama. Sharpton was a frequent visitor to the Whitehouse. Race relations are at their worse.
  • Don't forget her omnipresent racism.
  • She wasn't proud to be an American until 2008.
  • Recorded a week ago before her and her wife, oppps husband head out to their last Tax Payer Funded Vacation.... I do beleive that is what she misses most wasting our money on her and her family..... GO BYE.....
  • Get out of the White House skank, and I mean that with all the disrespect you deserve. Your family has only occupied it for your own personal gain like any good liberal would do there.
  • I guess now that she said she has no hope. She will go back to not being proud of being an Amaerican. There always Canada, and take the hollywood "elite" with you.
  • After 8 excrutiating years of Michelle and her insufferable husband Barry...I'm waiting for January 20th when the obamas are evicted from the White House. The real 'Hope and Change' will begin that day.

FakeNews NYT 'Racist' Headline
In conclusion:  It'll be really great to have the obamas GONE!
'Cept they really ain't gonna go anywhere... 
unlike previous former presidents, the obamas have no family estate to 'retire' to... 
they've not found anyone stupid enough to provide them one, they had to buy a new 'house' themselves!
The soon-to-be-ex "Clown Prince" intends to defend this negative legacy he's built up during his stay in "barackINGHAM PALACE," to~most probably~thwart President Trump's actions, plans, policies, actions!
Given the drubbing Hillary Clinton took in the election and every Trump victory since, the "Clown Prince's" editorials, blatherings, will have little-to-no effect on the "Silent Majority's" opinion of Mr Trump at the outset.  We'll have to wait and see how the new administration acts to tell if this high level of support can be sustained.
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
[Origins of "barackINGHAM PALACE"]


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