This'n'That; May 8th; Courage... What Courage?!?
Courage...?!? What Courage??
"Clown Prince" obama has received yet another~soon to be~worthless accolade, the 'Profiles In Courage' award. With his receipt the award's credibility has been reduced to that of a little league [insert sport here] participation trophy. For reference, please consider the lowered status of the Nobel Peace Prize since the 2009 obama award for whence he only had TO THINK ABOUT global peace.
obama's participation award was for such courageous acts as
1. the [LESS-THAN] Affordable Care Act also known as obamaKare;
2. his nuclear~give-away~deal with the Islamic-muslim-Terrorist State of Iran;
3. resumption of the United States' diplomatic relations with the communist Nation of Cuba.
WHEW-E-E-E!! Talk about courage.... This clown's got it!!
Just a few items The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation could have considered for,~and in so doing, reduced it's prestige even further~this participatory award:
1. obama's nearly continuous promotion of the Global Warming Hoax, committing the United States to the 2015 Paris Agreement;
2. obama's eight-year promotion of national racial strife. Of course he couldn't accomplish it by himself~obama's DONE NOTHING by himself~he's had George Soros and that financial powerhouse to dictate terms to him; also providing PAID thugs/thugettes for national riots;
3. obama's creation of the next bureaucratic layer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in his effort to destroy the American national economy with the enforcement of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.Ms Mr obama chose that "Lyin' Indian Chief," Elizabeth Warren to head said bureau.
Let's not dwell on these misgivings... a more complete list can be reviewed right here.
Well, "The Clown Prince" DID warn us that he'd not go away quietly. I'm sure he'll have other venues to use in his ongoing attempts to gain relevance.... likely, with lots'a help from the Fake News Medial!!
Well folks, that's all I got.
Til Nex'Time...
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
"Clown Prince" obama has received yet another~soon to be~worthless accolade, the 'Profiles In Courage' award. With his receipt the award's credibility has been reduced to that of a little league [insert sport here] participation trophy. For reference, please consider the lowered status of the Nobel Peace Prize since the 2009 obama award for whence he only had TO THINK ABOUT global peace.
obama's participation award was for such courageous acts as
1. the [LESS-THAN] Affordable Care Act also known as obamaKare;
2. his nuclear~give-away~deal with the Islamic-muslim-Terrorist State of Iran;
3. resumption of the United States' diplomatic relations with the communist Nation of Cuba.
WHEW-E-E-E!! Talk about courage.... This clown's got it!!
Just a few items The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation could have considered for,~and in so doing, reduced it's prestige even further~this participatory award:
1. obama's nearly continuous promotion of the Global Warming Hoax, committing the United States to the 2015 Paris Agreement;
2. obama's eight-year promotion of national racial strife. Of course he couldn't accomplish it by himself~obama's DONE NOTHING by himself~he's had George Soros and that financial powerhouse to dictate terms to him; also providing PAID thugs/thugettes for national riots;
3. obama's creation of the next bureaucratic layer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in his effort to destroy the American national economy with the enforcement of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
Let's not dwell on these misgivings... a more complete list can be reviewed right here.
Well, "The Clown Prince" DID warn us that he'd not go away quietly. I'm sure he'll have other venues to use in his ongoing attempts to gain relevance.... likely, with lots'a help from the Fake News Medial!!
Well folks, that's all I got.
Til Nex'Time...
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
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