Not All Democrats're Bad [although It Certainly Seems That Way]:

 Let's Look At Senator Joe Manchin vs Charles "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer:      

"Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer opposed Senator Manchin on nearly every majorily important piece of legislation!  This is like comparing a Republican [Manchin] with a Socio-Marxist [ Schumer].  While they do agree on seventy [70] votes, it seems they're "distant" on the important ones, like not pissing away taxpayer monies, like approving less socio-marxist SCOTUS justices, etc.

Fewer "Biden Sheep:"   Now the CDC has proclaimed~albeit quite late~that if one is fully vaccinated, he/she need not continue to be a "biden sheep" any longer.  I've been vaccinated for over two months and still had to wear a mask while shopping at Wegmans.                                                                              

A Comparison: Senator Joe Manchin versus "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer... Senator Manchin has long been the less-progressive voice in the the "crazy" U.S. Senate.  "Chuckie" has been pissed that the Congress got rid of ear marks, more commonly known as pork or porkulus.  Anyone who has the time and tenacity can develop differences far greater than I have!

Climate Change: This will never work with the U.S.A. being the only country to do ANYTHING to reduce their carbon footprint.  While the ultra-progressives [AOC and the 'Squad'] are not willing to realize the natural workings of the woodlands.  This from  "New research shows that California’s climate policy created up to 39 million carbon credits that aren’t achieving real carbon savings. But companies can buy these forest offsets to justify polluting more anyway.  All trees consume carbon dioxide, releasing the oxygen and storing the carbon in their trunks, branches and roots. Every ton of carbon sequestered in a living tree is a ton that isn’t contributing to climate change. And that thick coastal forest can easily store twice as much carbon per acre as the trees deeper inland."

That's all I got... have a great and happy Saturday!!

Justin Case

Lie 'Barry:'





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