This'n'That; Feb 15th; Trump vs "The Swamp"
President Trump's Dilemma: Washington's "Elite"
President Donald Trump has quite the dilemma... dealing with~better yet obliterating~the on-going 'shadow government' perpetuated by that slimy-prick, barack hussein obama, aka barry o. soetoro, aka barry obama soetoro soebarkah It's becoming quite evident the "Clown-Prince" is continuing D.C.'s 'shadow government' which has likely been in place for decades, if not most of the 20th and all of the 21st centuries, so far. I have long said the aforementioned 'slimy-prick' has not had an original thought in his entire adult life.
Look at the evidence: Valerie Jarrett sat in on all the~seemingly~important meetings/decisions the 'slimy-prick' was involved in; America's most infamous NAZI~George Soros~has/is financing the vast majority of the socio-fascist, commie-lib's destructive uprisings primarily populated by the self-downtrodden minorities bent on destroying that which they refuse TO WORK FOR. The same 'shadow government' that forced the Flynn resignation; that's working on a Puzder resignation, perpetuated the infamous~yet false~narrative: "Hands Up-Don't Shoot!" which was never uttered at the time of each confligration to which it's assigned. As noted here, there seems to be evidence of a world-wide "One World Government" apparatus working in the shadows... primarily against~and within~the duly-elected United States government as well as other sovereign European nations and the EU.
One of the next things President Trump
President Trump Speaking at CIA Hq, January 21, 2017 |
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
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