This'n'That; February 20th;Broken Media

Broken Media... Softballs To obama; Hardballs To President Trump On Travel
    Have ya seen these headlines?

  • Report: Trump on track to cost more in security than obama
  • Tourist-in-Chief: President obama Ditches Washington, D.C. To Travel All 50 States
  • michelle obama Announces Travel Plans: London And Milan
  • president obama’s Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers Nearly $6 Million
  • Report: obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years
  • Vacationer in chief: Tens of millions spent on 38 obama holidays

President Trump has been in the Oval Office LESS THAN THIRTY-DAYS; conversely "Clown Prince"obama, aka barry o. soetoro, aka president obama, has been out of office LESS THAN THIRTY-DAYS and already these two are being compared as to their executive travel expenses.  The 'Broken Media' is~as usual~failing to compare "apples-to-apples" between Trump and obama.  
    For their comparisons, the 'Broken Media' is using President Trump's THREE TRIPS~count 'em:3~to his "Mar-a-Lago Resort" in Florida compared with barry o. soetoro's annual vacations to the home of his altered birth certificate, Hawaii:

  • The President's travel mileage~one way~DC to Palm Beach is 991 miles.  Three round-trips equal 5,946 miles.
  • The three~Trump~trips in this comparison were 'working-weekends' so they in-no-way qualify as vacation trips.  
  • The Trump family members ~if they indeed accompanied the President~stayed in their personal residences while in Florida.  
  • I seriously doubt The Trump Organization billed the federal government for lodging during the aforementioned three 'working-weekends.'
  • This makes the President Trump 'three trip package' a total expense of $1,228,014 to the TAXPAYER.
  • mr soetoro's SINGLE Hawaiian vacation mileage~one-way~DC to Honolulu, Hi., is 4,835 miles.  
  • One round-trip~he's got'a get back to barackINGHAM PALACE, right~mileage is 9,670. 
  • The soetoro family Hawaiian Christmas vacations average between 17 and 21 days, making the lodging expenses between $59,500 and $73,500 on the TAXPAYERS' dime!!
  • This makes a soetoro family 'three trip package' a total expense of  between $25,846,489 and $25,860,489 to the TAXPAYER.

In conclusion...
at the very least the media's comparisons of the President Trump vs barry o. soetoro trip expenses is highly suspect.  The President~thusfar~has never taken a vacation on the TAXPAYERS' dime; while it's difficult to find a soetoro working-weekend or a soetoro working-vacation on the TAXPAYERS' dime or otherwise!!  One also has to bear in mind that normally when barry o. is golfing in far-away places, "michelle, ma belle," her brood and her mother/babysitter are flitting off vacationing in a different direction, thus different planes!!
It's not difficult to see that the 'broken media'~with it's "fake-news"~uses different criteria when comparing the two...
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:",+FL/to/Washington,+DC,+HI/to/Washington,+DC [$206,337/flying hour]


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