This'n'That; February 19th; C-SPAN Joins FakeNews

Should C-SPAN Be Renamed?!?
    I've always thought 'C-SPAN' was apolitical, meaning that any political ego could blather in front if it's cameras and get their point(s) across to the American viewer.  Ninety-one historians have ranked the American presidents as to 'best' in several categories. Surprisingly enough... even obama made the list!!  Now it would appear that~at least segments of~C-SPAN have been taken over by millennial snowflakes amongst the political elite.  This quote from a article points that way:
 "...he was ranked at 7th in moral authority (despite heading a scandal-free administration)"
What'ta hell were the snowflakes watching?!?
This graphics lists at least sixty [60!!] scandals...THAT WE KNOW OF:

Granted, this list contains some entries that probably won't rise to the level of 'scandal' but ya gotta admit there's more-than-enough here to belie the article's "SCANDAL-FREE" assertion!
Although I rarely watch C-SPAN, that 'rarely' has just turned into "never" given their 'liberties-with-the-truth!'

If complete honesty were the 'judging-bar' here, I contend President Trump has done more for the American people in less-than-five-weeks than "barry o. soetoro"aka the "Clown Prince" aka president obama, did FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in his eight-forgettable-years!!
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"


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