This'n'That; March 20th; US Military in Europe

Should The U.S. Boost Military Numbers In Europe?
I vote yes!
Most of us should remember Ronaldus-Magnus and his instantly famous phrase:
"Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall," 
from the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, FRG.
That was the beginning of the end of the 'Cold War' and it's military manning requirements, primarily in Europe.
1970 Jeep M-151A2
In 1954~near the beginning of the 'Cold War'~Army manpower stood at 1,404,600-worldwide; Air Force manpower was 948,000; Navy manpower was 725,700; the Marine Corps manpower was 223,800.  The 1954 total uniformed military forces stood at 3,302,100, with a considerable percentage stationed in Europe.
Total U.S. uniformed military manpower in ten-year increments, 1954-2014:

  • 1954-3,302,100 [Cmdr in Chief-Eisenhower];
  • 1964-2,687,400 [Cmdr in Chief-Johnson];
  • 1974-2,162,000 [Cmdr in Chief-Nixon/Gerald Ford];
  • 1984-2,138,200 [Cmdr in Chief-Reagan];
  • 1994-1,610,500 [Cmdr in Chief-"Slick-Willie"];
  • 2004-1,426,800 [Cmdr in Chief-George W. Bush];
  • 2014-1,354,100 [Cmdr in Chief-"ClownPrince"obama].

From the end of World War II~1945~until the late 1980s, the United States had a great responsibility to the free world in her maintenance of a well trained, well equipped, uniformed military, ready-to-go at a moment's notice.  The former Soviet Union was held in check by America's substantial uniformed military coupled with massive, war-making weapons and machinery!
After the 'Berlin Wall' came down the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and several communist countries.  During the same period The United States instituted an ill-conceived plan to close U.S. military bases worldwide and reduce manpower requirements... just at the time Russia was beginning to demonstrate that it had grown "huge balls" and was flexing it's political and military 'testosterone levels' around the world.
U.S. Military Bases in Germany, 2009
Speaking only of Europe, currently the United States military has four component commands and one sub-unified command:

  • Naval Forces Europe [NAVEUR] 44,500 personnel;
  • U.S. Army Europe [USAREUR] 26,800 personnel;
  • U.S. Air Forces Europe [USAFE] 25,600 personnel;
  • U.S. Marine Forces Europe [MARFOREUR] 1,500 personnel;
  • U.S. Special Operations Command Europe [SOCEUR] Manpower numbers are not widely disclosed.

This indicates there's but 98,400 members of U.S. forces of all branches to defend Europe and the Eastern United States from the Russian hordes!!  We've already seen what an inept, inexperienced Cmdr in Chief~in "ClownPrince" obama~coupled with a severely undermanned, under equipped military is faced with... and is barely able has no desire to contain.
M-35A3, Year Unknown
In conclusion:  With a new President~Commander-in-Chief~at the helm, now is the time to open discussions with the major NATO countries of Europe and the Middle East with respect to opening previously closed military facilities, increasing manpower to staff said facilities.  With 28 NATO Member Nations, seems fairly simple to negotiate either added facilities or indigenous manpower, or both.  Reducing foreign aid to zero dollars will partially fund both manpower and facilities increases.  It would be far better to battle obama's buddies the muslim terrorists in/nearer their home countries than on U.S. soil.  Just a thought.
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
Reference "Lie-Barry:"!


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