This'n'That; March 6th; The Next -Gate
obama Really Did 'Step-On-His-Pecker' This Time
Since his inauguration, President Trump has all but eliminated the mainstream media's fakenews as purveyors of his opinions, decisions, actions. The president has taken to social media to get his information directly to the American people, his supporters and the voters. In his latest series of tweets, Mr Trump alludes to the previous administration~the obama regime~wiretapping his facilities in Trump Tower, New York City. Trump Tower is the president's home-of-record as well as that of the First Lady and their son Barron. 'The tower' also home to several of the president's companies, companies independent of the Trump Family, other companies owned and/or managed by his adult children as well as said adult children's offices.
President Trump is alleging ex-president obama~while the sitting president~had Trump Tower wiretapped almost since the start of Mr Trump's presidential campaign. obama, all the democrats as well as the democrat National Committee really did 'step-on-their-collective-peckers' practically at the outset.
To an American military veteran [Air Force and Army], country-lovin' ol' fat-guy like me... this shows me that "obama-the-fudge-packin'-muslim" truly does hate the United States and all it stands for!!
This all fits in~conspiratorially~with the obama Deep-State Shadow Government:
President Trump seems to be doing all the right things, in my mind. With respect to immigration; with respect to terrorism; with respect to American jobs; with respect to keeping American companies in America; with respect to this 'Deep State' thingie. While keeping his campaign promises~one-at-a-time~the President isasking DEMANDING that Congress investigate x-prez barry o. soetoro's involvement in the current 'wiretapping episode' as well as the darker Deep State Shadow Government.
While he's about it, President Trumpshould must consider demanding investigations into the complicity of:
This is but a partial list of all the crooked sons'a bitches in the barry o. soetoro regime that need to be investigated, arrested, convicted and JAILED. I have neither the time nor the resources to run down all the leads the aforementioned sons'a bitches put before each of us. Maybe someone can use the limited source documentation I've provided to continue the charge...
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
** "Deep State: a hybrid of corporate America and the national security state, which is “out of control” and “unconstrained.”~Mike Lofgren
Since his inauguration, President Trump has all but eliminated the mainstream media's fakenews as purveyors of his opinions, decisions, actions. The president has taken to social media to get his information directly to the American people, his supporters and the voters. In his latest series of tweets, Mr Trump alludes to the previous administration~the obama regime~wiretapping his facilities in Trump Tower, New York City. Trump Tower is the president's home-of-record as well as that of the First Lady and their son Barron. 'The tower' also home to several of the president's companies, companies independent of the Trump Family, other companies owned and/or managed by his adult children as well as said adult children's offices.
President Trump is alleging ex-president obama~while the sitting president~had Trump Tower wiretapped almost since the start of Mr Trump's presidential campaign. obama, all the democrats as well as the democrat National Committee really did 'step-on-their-collective-peckers' practically at the outset.
- The wiretap was never to be discovered because The Fix was in..... The Queen Bitch Hillary "Rob-em" Clinton would win and be immaculated the First 'Born-Female' President.
- None of the democrat 'wizards-of-smart' even considered the outside possibility that Donald Trump would win the presidency... remember The Fix was in.
- The Hillary campaign camp was given the Trump Tower Wiretap information ONE WEEK BEFORE the 2016 election... and still couldn't win!!
To an American military veteran [Air Force and Army], country-lovin' ol' fat-guy like me... this shows me that "obama-the-fudge-packin'-muslim" truly does hate the United States and all it stands for!!
This all fits in~conspiratorially~with the obama Deep-State Shadow Government:
“As I mentioned the other day to a liberal lawyer friend of mine, the worst thing ever accused concerning Nixon was about using private resources to try to illegally spy on people,” Barnes added. “Here you had obama’s people using the NSA to spy on his adversaries, and apparently include the CIA, the FBI, and members of the Department of Justice in that loop, in a manner that was not approved of by any court, that was not approved by even a FISA court – the special court that monitors certain kinds of surveillance.”“Just because a conversation involves a foreign official doesn’t allow you to illegally tape it, illegally monitor it, or illegally record it when a U.S. citizen is on there, particularly when it’s your political adversary,”~Attorney Robert Barnes
Ya jis can't make this shit up!!
"This story is about [b]arack [o]bama and the [d]emocrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign. That’s what the story is. And that is what has to be attacked, not defended." [Emphasis mine]Apparently, this 'Deep State' thingie has been in place~in one form or another~since the Eisenhower Administration and probably BEFORE. Were you aware of it? I~sure as hell~was not! When 'Ike' was elected, I was in kindergarten [1952]. As I progressed on through the thirteen grades of my 'little red-brick schoolhouse [Cohocton Central School (N.Y.)]' my teachers never told us anything about this 'under-the-table' crap... in their defense, I doubt they knew anything about the 'Deep State.' They were more concerned about what part-time job they'd undertake during the 10-week summer vacation.
President Trump seems to be doing all the right things, in my mind. With respect to immigration; with respect to terrorism; with respect to American jobs; with respect to keeping American companies in America; with respect to this 'Deep State' thingie. While keeping his campaign promises~one-at-a-time~the President is
While he's about it, President Trump
- Hillary Clinton~continuing the on-going investigations into all her crooked shit while playing at being Secretary of State;
- Loretta Lynch~continue investigating the "Slick-Willie" 'n' Loretta meet on the tarmack (this apparently was when "Slick" was informed of the Trump Tower wiretap). Ms Lynch's seditious, treasonous demands for continuing, on-going PAID riotous uprisings must be investigated as well.
- Eric Holder~investigate why Holder was never punished~civilly AND/OR criminally~for actions leading to him being held in Contempt of Congress. The FIRST Attorney-General to be so charged.
- Ben Rhodes~investigate his role in the obfuscation of "Clown Prince" obama's wiretap 'order' as well as Rhodes' role in mega-lies about the Iran Nuclear deal.
- John Podesta~investigate his part in the gross illegalities as the manager of Hillary "Rob-em" Clinton's 2016 campaign.
- George Soros~investigate the role of "America's most infamous NAZI" in financing the various and many violent protests/riots before, during and after the Trump campaign/election successes. Trump Admin must be aware of~and ACT UPON~an active international warrant for Soros' arrest and return to Russia for trial.
- Valerie Jarrett~investigate her allegiances~by birth and religion~to Iran; her complicity in the 'Deep State control' of "Clown Prince" obama; her complicity in George Soros' financial control over "Clown Prince" obama; her impending complicity in the up-coming/on-going 'barackINGHAM PALACE-DC' barry soetoro memorial war room in said palace.
- Kevin Lewis~investigate his part in crafting the lies put forth by "Clown Prince" obama and barry o. soetoro over the course of the 2016 presidential election into the current time.
This is but a partial list of all the crooked sons'a bitches in the barry o. soetoro regime that need to be investigated, arrested, convicted and JAILED. I have neither the time nor the resources to run down all the leads the aforementioned sons'a bitches put before each of us. Maybe someone can use the limited source documentation I've provided to continue the charge...
That's all I got.
Til Nex'Time....
Justin Case
** "Deep State: a hybrid of corporate America and the national security state, which is “out of control” and “unconstrained.”~Mike Lofgren
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
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