
Showing posts from 2017

This'n'That; May 8th; Courage... What Courage?!?

Courage...?!? What Courage??     " Clown Prince " obama has received yet another~ soon to be ~worthless accolade, the ' Profiles In Courage ' award.  With his receipt the award's credibility has been reduced to that of a little league [ insert sport here ] participation trophy.  For reference, please consider the lowered status of the Nobel Peace Prize since the 2009 obama award for whence he only had TO THINK ABOUT global peace.     obama 's participation award was for such courageous acts as  1.  the [ LESS-THAN ] Affordable Care Act also known as obama K are; 2.  his nuclear~ give-away ~deal with the Islamic-muslim-Terrorist State of Iran ; 3.  resumption of the United States ' diplomatic relations with the communist Nation of Cuba .     WHEW-E-E-E!!  Talk about courage.... This clown's got it !!  Just a few items The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation could have considered for,~ and in so doing, re...

This'n'That; March 20th; US Military in Europe

Should The U.S.  Boost  Military Numbers In Europe? I vote yes! Most of us should remember Ronaldus-Magnus and his instantly famous phrase: " Mister Gorbachev , tear down this wall ,"  from the Brandenburg Gate,  Berlin, FRG. That was the beginning of the end of the 'Cold War' and it's military manning requirements, primarily in Europe. 1970 Jeep M-151A2 In 1954 ~ near the beginning of the 'Cold War '~Army manpower stood at 1,404,600-worldwide; Air Force manpower was 948,000; Navy manpower was 725,700; the Marine Corps manpower was 223,800.  The 1954 total uniformed military forces stood at 3,302,100, with a considerable percentage stationed in Europe. Total U.S. uniformed military manpower in ten-year increments, 1954-2014: 1954-3,302,100 [Cmdr in Chief- Eisenhower ]; 1964-2,687,400 [Cmdr in Chief- Johnson ]; 1974-2,162,000 [Cmdr in Chief- Nixon/Gerald Ford ]; 1984-2,138,200 [Cmdr in Chief- Reagan ]; 1994-1,610,500 [Cmdr in Chief- ...

This'n'That; March 6th; The Next -Gate

obama Really   Did  'Step-On-His-Pecker' This Time     Since his inauguration,  President Trump has all but eliminated the mainstream media's fakenews as purveyors of his opinions, decisions, actions.  The president has taken to social media to get his information directly to the American people, his supporters and the voters.   In his latest series of tweets, Mr Trump alludes to the previous administration~ the obama regime ~wiretapping his facilities in Trump Tower , New York City.   Trump Tower is the president 's home-of-record as well as that of the First Lady and their son Barron .  ' The tower ' also home to several of the president 's companies, companies independent of the Trump Family , other companies owned and/or managed by his adult children as well as said adult children's offices.     President Trump is alleging ex-president obama ~ while the sitting president ~had Trump Tower wiretapped almost sinc...

This'n'That; March 14th; The Next "...Gate"

Did obama Really 'Step-On-His-Pecker' This Time?     Now that Donald Trump has been president for approximately six-weeks;  now that Donald Trump has successfully fended off the fakenews surrounding him; now that Donald Trump has contributed to the Dow reaching 21,000+; now that Donald Trump has contributed to a 300,000 monthly [February, 2017] jobs INCREASE; now that Donald Trump is well on his way to satisfying many of his campaign promises, the POTUS can tackle even more important issues/CRIMES.     Most importantly has to be " obamaGate " in which " ClownPrince " obama was/is involved in the wiretapping of Trump Tower , the NYC home of the Trump Family as well as several Trump companies, as well as offices of the Trump children and other associates.  There's been on-going~ for the past eight years ~crimes by the obama/Soros regime to intentionally turn the United States [ all 57 of 'em !] into the desired third-world rathole c...

This'n'That; February 20th;Broken Media

Broken Media... Softballs To obama; Hardballs To President Trump On Travel     Have ya seen these headlines? Report: Trump on track to cost more in security than obama Tourist-in-Chief: President obama Ditches Washington, D.C. To Travel All 50 States m ichelle obama Announces Travel Plans: London And Milan p resident obama’s Africa Trip Cost Taxpayers Nearly $6 Million Report: obama Family Travel Expenses Cost Taxpayers $96 Million Over 8 Years Vacationer in chief: Tens of millions spent on 38 obama holidays President Trump has been in the Oval Office LESS THAN THIRTY-DAYS; conversely " Clown Prince " obama , aka barry o. soetoro , aka president obama , has been out of office LESS THAN THIRTY-DAYS and already these two are being compared as to their executive travel expenses.  The 'Broken Media' is~ as usual ~failing to compare "apples-to-apples" between Trump and obama .       For their comparisons, the 'Broken Media' is using Preside...

This'n'That; February 19th; C-SPAN Joins FakeNews

Should C-SPAN Be Renamed?!?     I've always thought ' C-SPAN ' was apolitical, meaning that any political ego could blather in front if it's cameras and get their point(s) across to the American viewer.  Ninety-one historians have ranked the American presidents as to 'best' in several categories. Surprisingly enough... even  obama  made the list!!  Now it would appear that~ at least segments of ~ C-SPAN have been taken over by millennial snowflakes amongst the political elite.  This quote from a article points that way:  "...he was ranked at 7th in moral authority (despite heading a scandal-free administration )" " a SCANDAL-FREE ADMINISTRATION ..." What'ta hell were the snowflakes watching?!? This graphics lists at least sixty [60!!] scandals...THAT WE KNOW OF: Granted, this list contains some entries that probably won't rise to the level of ' scandal ' but ya gotta admit there's more-than-enough ...

This'n'That; Feb 15th; Trump vs "The Swamp"

President Trump's Dilemma: Washington's "Elite"     President Donald Trump has quite the dilemma... dealing with~ better yet obliterating ~the on-going ' shadow government ' perpetuated by that slimy-prick , barack hussein obama , aka barry o. soetoro ,  aka barry obama soetoro  soebarkah It's becoming quite evident the " Clown-Prince " is continuing D.C.'s ' shadow government ' which has likely been in place for decades, if not most of the 20th and all of the 21st centuries, so far. I have long said the aforementioned ' slimy-prick ' has not had an original thought in his entire adult life.   Look at the evidence:   Valerie Jarrett sat in on all the~ seemingly ~important meetings/decisions the ' slimy-prick ' was involved in;  America's most infamous NAZI ~ George Soros ~has/is financing the vast majority of the socio-fascist, commie-lib's destructive uprisings primarily populated by the self -downtro...